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Fascinating read by David Segal. New York Times: Search Optimization and Its Dirty Little Secrets If you own a Web site, for instance, about Chinese cooking, your site’s Google ranking will improve as other sites link to it. The more links to your site, especially those from other Chinese cooking-related …

FamousDC sends our congratulations to Jack Mahoney and Lauren Torlone. The happy couple got engaged Friday night and we hear their dog Tate played a critical role – the ring was around his neck!

Jesse Jackson has a a magic trick, Congressman Chris Lee is leaving Congress to “spend more time with his abs,” Congressional Press Secretary PSA, Secretary Lisa Jackson had a blast at the DC Mardi Gras party, OMG – Donald Trump is at CPAC!, fake DC Twitter accounts got the New …

Robert Gibbs is leaving early. NY Times’ Michael Shear: As Gibbs Leaves White House, a Look at His Tenure

TBD: On Senior Night, Gonzaga student basketball manager gets his star moment

New York Times’ Ashley Parker: Fake Twitter Accounts Get Real Laughs The person behind the handle @DCJourno, who would not reveal his identity and agreed to be interviewed only via e-mail, said that he started the account in the hope that it might make its targets a bit more self-aware. …

They even used “scratch.” Wow. MSNBC: Scratch ‘Harry Baals’ off list of names for government center

Cars flying by the US Capitol. For more check out her blog or follow her on twitter: @abpanphoto

POLITICO has decided to go PRO. Washingtonian’s Shane Harris: Politico Grows Up His bosses are on the same page. The chiefs of Politico believe they’ve hired the best for their new operation. And VandeHei believes he has the best man in charge. Grieve possesses what VandeHei calls the “Politico DNA: …

Sarah Palin Media Addict Sarah Palin Media Addict from Gina Gershon

And thank God that the Internets weren’t as mainstream when we were growing up? Poor Jack Weppler Barry Schwartz: Payback: Upset Ex-Girlfriend Spams Boyfriend In Google Images Upset boyfriends and girlfriends are nothing new. There are plenty of stories of girlfriends getting back at their ex-boyfriends for mistreatment and visa …

New York Times: The Will to Drill Correction: February 6, 2011 An article on Jan. 16 about drilling for oil off the coast of Angola erroneously reported a story about cows falling from planes, as an example of risks in any engineering endeavor.No cows, smuggled or otherwise, ever fell from …