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The Greatest 60 Minutes Interviewee “Walk-Offs” on this week’s 60 Minutes Overtime

“I am qualified to be Virginia’s next U.S. Senator, but I can’t take the time to reserve my domain.” – Tim Kaine** [FamousDC editors pause to make sure is reserved through 2050.] OK, we’re back. ** Tim Kaine really didn’t say that. Please go visit H/T NK

We’ll be honest. We didn’t know what the DC Zoning Commission did until we had a recent conversation with Capitol resident, Greg Selfridge. So we figured a Famous 5 interview was in order … FamousDC Famous 5: DC Zoning Commissioner & Capitol Hill resident, Greg Selfridge 1. What does the …

Navin Sarma is a Washington, D.C.-based landscape and fine art photographer who will be regularly sharing his work with FamousDC and its readers. You can visit his site to read his blog, view his portfolio, and purchase services or fine art prints. Otherwise, please enjoy the images he will share each …

According to FishbowlDC and the Twitter machines it looks like Shira Toeplitz is heading back to Roll Call. We asked Shira for a comment and the NFL lockout couldn’t keep the trash talk away: “I really appreciated the opportunity to work at POLITICO, but after my beloved Steelers lost the …

Roll Call editor Erin Billings, right, reads aloud a fake front page during a going away party for Jackie Kucinich, center, Friday at Irish Times on Capitol Hill. Kucinich is leaving Roll Call after three years to work as a reporter for USA Today covering the Republican side of the …

Navin Sarma is a Washington, D.C.-based landscape and fine art photographer who will be regularly sharing his work with FamousDC and its readers. You can visit his site to read his blog, view his portfolio, and purchase services or fine art prints. Otherwise, please enjoy the images he will share each …

Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. – C. V. R. Thompson Obama is brewing his own beer [winning] Who doesn’t love high gas prices? [spike] Pat Gavin on a bike [game changer] Is there room for another cupcake place in DC [apparently yes] Old Spice commercial [behind …

Ain’t no party like a Erika Masonhall Meet the Press Cupcake party, Rep Weiner is 6’5 and loves Tweeting with FamousDC, does Brody Mullins have balls of steel?, Charlie Sheen spent the week winning, we’re pumped for Jackie Kucinich & her new gig with USA Today (better late than never …

Congratulations to Ms. Erika Masonhall! Erika recently accepted a job with NBC News where she’ll lead PR outreach for “Meet the Press” and “NBC Nightly News.” Her new colleagues toasted her on Wednesday night at the home of Betsy Fischer. And no NBC party is complete without “Meet the Press” …

National Journal’s Dan Friedman: No Government Shutdown This Weekend The Senate voted 91-9 today to pass a continuing resolution extending federal government funding for two more weeks, averting a government shutdown and handing House Republicans an early win in what looks likely to be long series of budget battles with …

The US Capitol at sunset. For more check out her blog or follow her on twitter: @abpanphoto