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Before: After: Video hat tip – Alex Rinkus

As we shake off the rust of winter and embrace the new warmth of spring, few rites do so quite as well as a trip to the ballpark. However, the Nationals being the Nationals, it’s not terribly likely baseball is the only reason you’ll need to pony up your hard-earned …

FamousDC is excited to be stopping by to see our friends at CQ Roll Call for their pre-party at WHCD. Check out the invite here:

FamousDC mugs are popping up all kinds of places these days. Facebook’s DC HQ with Katie Harbath Page Six in NYC with Tara Palmeri C-SPAN with Jeremy Art ABC News with Rick Klein CQ-Roll Call with Tom Williams C-SPAN with Howard Mortman POLITICO with Meredith Shiner And now there’s a …

Here’s the best photo of the cherry blossoms that you’ll see today, POLITICO’s Brooks Boliek is the “Tech Cowboy,” what a difference a week makes, C-SPAN’s Jeremy Art celebrated a birthday, as did Geoff Embler & Nick Schaper, welcome Mark Elliott to US Chamber of Commerce, Flash Mob for Equal …

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”  ~Robin Williams With those first blooms of the Cherry Blossoms, DC’s somber mood from the cold winter is lifted. The days grow longer and everyone yearns to be outside soaking up the glorious sun. So where should you go post-work to celebrate? …

Navin Sarma is a Washington, D.C.-based landscape and fine art photographer who will be regularly sharing his work with FamousDC and its readers. You can visit his site to read his blog, view his portfolio, and purchase services or fine art prints. About this photo: A long exposure streaks clouds …

If you haven’t been on the free US Capitol tour, I’d highly recommend it. The interior is just as beautiful as the exterior. To see more, check out Angela’s blog, or follow her on twitter

And we thought they were kidding … Previously:  FamousDC: Want to Take Part In a Flash Mob? (March 29, 2011) Center for American Progress is trying to organize a Equal Pay flash mob and they need dancers. And then they followed through: The Center for American Progress Action Fund and …

A college student kills time in a Union Station bar before catching a bus back to Philadelphia.

Facebook DC’s Katie Harbath displays her new FamousDC mug from her desk. Katie received her mug this morning after joining a panel discussion with Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s Social Media Director, Matt Lira. They were both discussing how Facebook will change constituent communications.  This panel was sponsored by the Public …

Short on cash? Need some fundage for happy hour? Then you might need a … FURLOAN! Roll Call: Hill Credit Union Offers ‘Furlough Loans’ to Staff The Congressional Federal Credit Union is offering “furlough loans” to staffers who will be out of work if the government shuts down Friday. The …

Charles Chamberlayne Katie Dawson Amy Harder Sarah Morris Hummer Charlie Hurt Sara Libby John McArdle Darcie Piechowski Lauren Pratapas Lori Steenhoek

Typical morning at the Tidal Basin during the Cherry Blossom season. For more of Angela’s work check out her blog or follow her on twitter.