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For a lot of staff, congressional recess involves late office arrivals, three hour lunches, early afternoon departures and FamousDC Recess bashes. But portfolio Manager Eric Singer has his own recess rules: INVEST! USA Today’s John Waggoner: Fund invests in stocks only when Congress is out of session Eventually, Singer decided …

The Jefferson Memorial isn’t just for the cherry blossoms, it’s beautiful anytime of the year. For more of Angela’s images, check out her blog ( or follow her on twitter (@abpanphoto)

RCP’s Scott Conroy has the exclusive. RealClearPolitics: Palin’s Secret Weapon: New Film to Premiere in June Shortly after Republicans swept last November to a historic victory in which Sarah Palin was credited with playing a central role, the former Alaska governor pulled aside her close aide, Rebecca Mansour, to discuss …

2008 was a great year for Barack Obama.

Washingtonian’s Marisa M. Kashino: 40 Under 40: K Street’s New Generation of Lobbyists Meet 40 star lobbyists—all under age 40—who are shaping the policies that will affect us for years to come And here’s the full list courtesy of Chris Frates & POLITICO Influence. Ogilvy’s Dean Aguillen, Cassidy’s Kai Anderson, …

Our good friends at The Washingtonian included our HILLstory infographic in this month’s issue. From Intern to Senior Partner: How to Get Ahead on the Hill (Chart) Charting the possible roads to success of the annual summer onslaught of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed interns. Click the image to view the chart at …

A musician entertains passersby on M Street in Georgetown.

Hot damn! Clarissa Ramon is on her A-game. Take a few minutes and check-out “How to Live in Washington, DC“ h/t MKO

“You see me rollin…”

Chuck Lidell touring the U.S. Capitol with Harold Walbert.

Nothing says “classy horse racing” like a Toilet Run Swan Dive

Congratulations to @PounderFile on the RNC Research Director gig, Mullen and Williams had to bail on sky-diving last weekend, no more tailgating at Jiffy Lube concert center, Tina Korbe moved to Hot Air, don’t forget to vote in the Taste of America contest, how to navigate Capitol Hill, tell Ashley …

CQ Roll Call employees knew something was up when video producer Andrew Satter asked them to read lines from various hit songs such as “I’m Just A Girl” and “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay”. What they didn’t know was that the lines would be cut up into short …

Erika Masonhall, communications director for NBC News, and Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post, talk with Adam Verdugo, back to camera, senior producer at Meet the Press, before a panel discussion at Comcast headquarters on the Hill Tuesday entitled “Covering the Middle East: Perspectives from the Field.” Masonhall,  a former …