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This is a great article to read as you enjoy your fifth Diet Coke, check your blackberry, take a constituent call and eat a Buffalo Chicken wrap from Longworth at your desk. Emily Heil: Unhealthy Hill: Stress, Schedules Take Toll The lifestyle led by Members of Congress and their staffs …

Stand tall Washingtonians. We’re number one. In your face Baltimore. D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country.

Deal is reached [NFL] Inside Congress [behind the scenes] Tire stealing problem [DC] Weather for the week [ABC] Clean up the neighborhood [Congress Heights]

Victoria Coley Jaime Harrison Kristen Hawn Charlie Hurt Meg Joseph Lauren Kelm Kate Knudson Ian Rayder Christina Wilkie Kristen Yeiser

Thou shalt not default H/T POLITICO Influence’s Dave Levinthal

Trying to explain the debt ceiling to family? [havoconthehill] Peyton Manning took a voluntary pay cut [#teamball] Jesse Jackson Parties at Club Ibiza [with Shaq] Kobe Bryant is playing soccer in DC [Sunday] Happy Birthday [Shane Harris] And here’s Lynyrd Skynyrd from Wolf Trap earlier this week.

Happy Friday. Let’s do this. Do you get emails from DJ David Drucker?, planking since 1958, Press Secretary PSA, President Obama ruined Tuesday for Staff Assistants, happy birthday Emily Popp and congratulations on your new job, better luck next year if you are not one of the Hill’s 50 Most …

Roll Call’s Neda Semnani: Hopeful Happy Hour To mark one of the most surreal times in Congress, FamousDC and Roll Call threw a happy hour of hope at Cava Mezze on Eighth Street and people came … including an Australian bloke in shorts and a bow tie who wants to buy …

We’ve seen it all this week: debt ceiling rappers, cars catching on fire and interns using fake blackberries to woo the ladies. But this takes the cake: The White House is using its Twitter machine to Rick Roll people. Seriously. Double h/t @dasmart @bryanta

As the debt ceiling debate heats up on Capitol Hill, cars are blowing up all over DC. Pics provided by Anne Brady  

As only the Mad DC Cabbie can explain: “I guess the the hookers got their Johns, Fred got his fix and I made a few bucks, everyone is happy.” Only in DC friends. Only in DC. Do yourself a favor and go take a few rides around the district with …

How was your weekend? [Neda Semnani] Tales of Wu [scandal] Rowdy sports fans on Metro [stand clear of the doors] Speakeasy sandwiches [POP] Arnold’s [other] expected to make full recovery [accident]

Which National Journal reporter rocks Reddit at the Watergate?, Amanda Carpenter and husband are expecting a baby, congrats to the lucky few trying to put a square peg in a round hole, Lira became the Twitter gatekeeper, lowly Congressional staffers ripped on superiors atop a humid Arlington rooftop, how hot …

Photo by: Ryan Howell Be sure to tell the pride of Nordonia High School and one of the hardest working staffers on Capitol Hill, happy birthday today. After all, you only turn 25 once.

The Bicycle, The Blue Honda and The Broken Water [random] Secret Talks on Capitol Hill [David Rogers] Scoutmob launches today [mustache rides] Look out Bethesda, there’s a bear on the loose [creeping] This will fail in DC [honest tea]