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President Obama at 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner (C-SPAN) Conan O’Brien remarks at 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner (C-SPAN)  

Yes, there was a Hendrick Motorsports NASCAR parked outside of the Hawk & Dove yesterday afternoon. The partners of S3 Solutions, Jeff Shockey, John Scofield & Mike Ference hosted an event yesterday to welcome Mike to the team. There were too many Congressional staff and reporters to mention, but among …

Jack and Lucy asked us to tell Lindsey Drew happy birthday today!

Howard Dean still has time to meet with college students carrying around a resume. Gotta love this city.

Brendan Buck = balls of steel [View the story “Area Reporter v Area Flack” on Storify]

Today is World Water Day, a day where people all over the world tell lawmakers, corporate leaders, philanthropists, social innovators, non-profits and regular ol’ Joes to step-up to help solve the global water crisis. Our friends at WASH Advocates   sent us a Top 10 List to coincide with World …

Thanks to Jeremy Art for the photo.

1. You don’t have to sit through four-hour long committee hearings with the boss. Just get in, snap a picture and roll out. 2. There is a good chance that you will be quoted back in the district newspaper – and your mom will frame that and show all of her friends. 3. You can always get a call back from a reporter – especially if you write BREAKING in all caps in the email subject line. 4. No. Constituent. Letters.

1. You are on the front lines. The first voice people hear when they call the office and the front person there when they walk in. 2. Because you make so much coffee, you’re eligible to opt out of the Starbucks barista test if you decide to change careers. 3. Everyone is forced to know your name or else they don’t get the good office supplies. 4. Nobody uses fax machines anymore.

We feel bad for anyone who took the OVER on the 50 minute over/under for the Washington Press Club Foundation Annual Congressional Dinner last night. Major Garrett kept things moving quickly and all the guests were rolling out of their chairs laughing at Senator Heidi Heitkamp and Congressman Jason Chaffetz. From …

RGIII is on the mend and the EVIL Tom Brady has been defeated. We have less than 24 hours to get our talking points down and jump on the Baltimore Ravens Beltway Bandwagon. In your face Drew Magary. Get hyped up for the Baltimore Ravens Let’s learn a little more …

Yes, we all love RGIII and hope he returns next year and turns in an Adrian Peterson comeback performance. But there is another team just up the road who could use your support this weekend against the evil New England Patriots: The Baltimore Ravens Before you turn your nose up …

We will award 50 new Twitter followers to the first person who can spot Stip in this CNN screen grab.

Washington Redskins playoff-mania has reached a fever pitch inside the beltway as evidenced by Doug Thornell’s appearance on MSNBC today. We reached out to Mr. Thornell (A.K.A. DT3) for comment. His response: “That was for the millions and millions of fans in Redskins Nation who have been waiting 13 years …