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Dads are the best, aren’t they? Adam captioned this: Best. Welcome. To. Fatherhood. Gift. Ever. #Dad Congratulations, Froemmings. via

As the deadline looms for the Affordable Care Act, HuffPost Live is holding a forum for you and Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to chat. This Monday, March 31, Sebelius will appear on HuffPost Live to speak about the health insurance and answer your questions about the …

Ole Johnny ain’t a Belieber. “I’m Too Old for This Justin Bieber Crap” – Sen. Johnny Isakson  

She just updated her blog and she is killing it. Will Carraco needs a similar display. Our suggestions for hanging trophies: Empty whiskey bottles, Christmas tree branches or long sci-fi books.

Ok, no they didn’t. But here are some of the most interesting theories so far on what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Jets on Jets Theory It’s unlikely, but not totally impossible, that the plane used another plane to hide, Slate says. Courtney Love’s Ocean Theory Courtney Love, scientist, delivered …

Emily Holden, who covered energy and environment policy as a regulatory reporter for CQ Roll Call, has joined the Morning Consult to kick start the digital media company’s energy vertical. Holden is the latest addition to Michael Ramlet‘s fast-growing Morning Consult, which is expanding to deliver comprehensive daily briefings, original …

“One of my issues that I’m most passionate about, and this is strange, I’m really passionate about derivatives,” Elliott said in a recent interview shortly after taking up shop with Crowell & Moring. She added that when she was thinking about leaving Capitol Hill and what would be the next …

Try not smiling while you’re watching this video of people dancing around DC to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy.” Just try it.

Things got a little snowy and a little Famous on Capitol Hill.

We could not be any more serious. This is amazing. Read below. h/t Almost Famous [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Marion Barry’s #ScandalABC Tweets” on Storify</a>]

“BiteLabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples and uses it to make artisanal salami.” So proclaims the copy on, right under an all-caps call to action: EAT CELEBRITY MEAT. The site proposes taking actual tissue samples of celebrities—specifically, James Franco, Kanye West, Jennifer Lawrence, and Ellen DeGeneres—and growing their cloned meat for use …

Welcome to the House of Carbs. One of the best things about this Tumblr so far is how diverse their carbs are. Not just pancakes and spaghetti, but also pho and churros. Bravo, Tumblr creator. Bravo.

#NATIONAL Brian Williams RAPS; stop being a Glasshole; new skating announcers are pretty fabulous; Seth Cohen + Blair Waldorf marry; #LeBaneJames;  Study finds man’s best friend is more our friend then we thought;  Casa Luca and Daikaya make ‘GQ’s 25 Best Restaurants in America’; #THEDISTRICT DC HIDDEN GEMS; Bye Bye Corcoran; Who wants to go on a DC …

The journalist who released Edward Snowden’s leaked information through The Guardian is coming back to the U.S. to receive the George Polk Award for National Security Reporting. Glenn Greenwald returns despite the fact that he may be detained and charged as a criminal by the government (his partner was recently detained …

Eskimos have 50 words for snow (fun fact: they also have 1,000 words for reindeer).  After our recent snowstorm, area linguists have identified 37 new ways to say “snow” if you live or work in DC. And now, the 34 DC words for snow: 1. “OMG” 2. “Work from home” 3. …