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The US Secretary of State Dog, Ben (aka DiploMutt) is on Twitter. He hasn’t Tweeted, but we’re keeping a close eye out for any instances of “Woof” and “Bark” in our feed. h/t Morgan Gress Happy First Birthday to my dog Ben. @DiploMutt apparently an Earth Day baby. He keeps …

#NATIONAL If you like Cheerios, you can’t sue General Mills; #BostonStrong; there’s a hellfire twin Earth out there; How did 4/20 happen?; tax preparers flip the bird at responsible Americans as filing costs go up; “WTF??” –Scandal fans; Happy Friday; spoilers everywhere; Congrats Chelsea; God bless America; RIP Gabriel Garcia …

…a “House of Cards” veteran is working to produce a reality show based in the district starring “D.C. up-and-comers,” including Capitol Hill staffers. The show is currently in development, and one source said there’s already been a round of casting. Which bar will have stools open at happy hour? Will …

Google is throwing a big soiree to kick off their D.C. Google City Experts program at the Long View Gallery tonight from 6:30-8:30. Google City Experts is an exclusive program offered in less than 25 cities across 7 countries that relies on local experts like you for the real scoop …

We want to be mad about this. But somehow, we can’t be. On the franchise’s Wikipedia page, owner has been changed to Atlanta Braves, a tongue-in-cheek nod to the fact that the Braves have won five of six games against the National League East rivals and 18 of the last …

Congrats to Jonathan Easley on his new gig at Morning Consult as the new healthcare editor. Jonathan joins Morning Consult from The Hill where he covered healthcare since 2011. He has also reported for Roll Call and Salon. Before entering the world of journalism, Jonathan spent 10 years working in …

The Internet Association hosted a swath of internet luminaries at their “interactive gala” benefitting Girls Who Code, which was pretty rocking: They had a video tribute by Sheryl Sandberg, a cocktail reception sponsored by TripAdvisor, a relaxation room sponsored by Airbnb and decorated by Little Miss Pixie, and a dessert …

Feeling vicious? Want to make some cuts to your Facebook friend list? Jimmy Walsh uncovered a surprisingly easy reason that can be viewed on Facebook to decide who gets cut: if that friend “Likes” Nickelback.

This photo by L. Schaull aka number7cloud will make you look twice. We loved this whimsical take on spring’s arrival combining two of DC’s favorite things: peeps and cherry blossoms.

If you have a moment, go tell FamousDC’s own Josh Shultz happy birthday.

A tipster sent us this photo of Congressman Derek Kilmer (WA-6) playing an auto-racing game on the Metro. We hope he won that round.

Listen to Sugar Ray, it’ll help turn your Wednesday morning upright. “But HOW will Sugar Ray help me, FamousDC?” Just listen and get back to work.   IIIIIIII just wanna fly…

In an otherwise serious piece of journalism about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Sarah Kliff punned it up with one familiar ACA term among a list of explanatory entries. What’s an individual man date? That’s when two dudes hang out together in a non-romantic way, although it really …

This is admittedly way harsh, but it’s all in jest. Jezebel came up with a field guide to the U.S. of Bros, and we see a little of each bro listed in our very own hometown D.C. bros. Here’s the overall DC brah. Is this accurate? Don’t forget: Ladies can …