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We highly recommend you get your Congressional Baseball Game fantasy roster on, before it’s too late. Why? you ask. One, because you know exactly who the best players, MVPs and surprise underdogs are on the team this year. Two, more truthfully, because you can win some sweet swag. And …

And now, for your end of day viewing pleasure, today’s White House fainting intern. h/t Jeremy Art A White House pool report released later said the woman was working the first day of her internship and was attending the briefing with other interns. It was a tough first day. Information …

He’s thinking about it. Trust us. via

Nice try, everyone else. The Huffington Post UK wins World Cup commentary. via

Sure, this video has all the charm of your typical mid-century educational videos with a deep-throated narrator and plodding atmospheric music, but its subject matter is something you know very well. It’s about the jewel of WMATA, Metrorail, and specifically how it was built, which is pretty cool. Even if you don’t appreciate long wait times, crazy passengers and all other fun Metro benefits, you can definitely appreciate it as a feat of engineering. Check out from 1:45 on to see footage of how workers tunneled under the earth to make Metro possible. via

“The New York Times is reconsidering its long-standing plan to create an early morning political tipsheet [POLITICO has learned“] SCOTUSblog just can’t catch a break [denied credentials again] NPR crowding Matt Laslo’s space [MD gubernatorial beer preferences] Chris Brown is trying to [make a deal] Marion Barry hears “Yogurt Tax” …

Here’s a bust of President Barack Obama created by a Smithsonian team from 3-D scan data. Obama is the first sitting president to be scanned for this purpose. The bust was displayed yesterday at the White House Maker Faire, and the data and models will become part of the National …

First they came for Rusty [then they came for the invertebrates] WWII Memorial pool dipping [adult swim] Will the Redskins no longer be the Redskins? [US Patent office denies trademarking] Apparently we’re terrible [Vice should know] Making it in this town [by this townies] Amazing photo by John Sonderman

 What a low key week. #NATIONAL We want this fountain somewhere in DC; the government is auctioning off bitcoins; a 70 year old man was crushed by a garage door; Mad cow is back; fairweather Heat fans; evolution of Dad dancing; bachelor party SKULL fun; 7-11 jumped the shark; don’t …

DC’s newest sneaker event, Hide & Sneak DC, scheduled for June 28 promises to be unlike all other sneaker swap events. This event will bring together local artists, designers, DJs — and of course, sneaker lovers of all walks. The venue is super dope, too  – it’s a subterranean art gallery in Adams MorganIf you’re a sneaker head, you can’t miss this event.

If you’re a fan of the TV shows “VEEP” or “House of Cards,” you’re among the many Americans who have become increasingly fascinated with the Vice Presidency. Today, June 13 at 12pm,HuffPost Live will bring together a panel of experts, to look at how the role of the VP has assumed …

We like this Time Magazine political memoir title generator, including its refresh button which reads “We can do better.” Here are some working titles for our next political book. There are hard choices and then there are hard choices—like what to call your political memoir. As with politics, the genre …

#NATIONAL D-Day in photos; This 93 year old man is parachuting into Normandy again in full dress; And just one more D-Day story for you; Don’t make Kevin Spacey go all Frank Underwood on your ass; Will Obama wrestle a bear next?; Those curls are intimidating the world; And yet, …

Famous communications pro and photographer Charlotte Sellmyer is on the up and up. With PRing two major committees under her belt, Charlotte’s heading to the NMPA to be VP of comms. She got an excellent quote from the President of NMPA on her new position: “The breadth and depth of Charlotte’s …