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#NATIONAL #WorstCarIEverHad; Hershey, PA is so hot right now it may melt; The Grateful Dead is touring again. #1989Tweet; John Kerry took James Taylor to Paris to sing. Seriously. This is not a joke. We’re being for real.; Cleveland Rocks! Cleveland Rocks! Cleveland Rocks! Cleveland Rocks!; I went to Disney …

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce interviewed Ed Roland, the lead singer of the band Collective Soul, and collaborator Chris Yates, about what it’s like to be a musician navigating today’s complex and ever-changing creative landscape. While Roland has many accomplishments to his name, he chalked up his initial teenage entrepreneurial …

Matt Dornic is a big deal now, and he was definitely a big deal in 2011, too, when he was in his third year of editorship at FishbowlDC. In short, he’s always been kind of a big deal. FBDC: What was the best part of being a Fishbowl editor? MD: …

#NATIONAL We are Charlie; Dartmouth students charged with cheating in their ethics class; OUTRAGE: we don’t have hoverboards but we’re making space cars; Pillars of creation HD version; Maybe the superbug won’t kill us all; They opened up the time capsule in Boston and found… a bunch of junk; #DISTRICT …

A pretty, perfectly framed, wintery scene at the sculpture garden ice rink. Kudos, Sonderman on this beautiful photo. Via FamousDC Flickr pool.

Are you a new member of Congress? This guy has advice for you. 1. When flirting with women who aren’t your wife, DON’T post a pic of your junk on Twitter. — Chris Moody (@moody) January 6, 2015 2. When you see underage page boys you think are …

Because the President’s is. Watch out. via NYT For much of his presidency, Mr. Obama routinely shot in the 90s and low 100s — respectable scores for an occasional golfer but not particularly good for someone who played as often as he did, golf professionals said. … clues have seeped …

For a few weeks last summer, the march of progress threatened the demise of neighborhood landmark, Mr. Henry’s. When in July 2014 longtime managing partner Alvin Ross retired from Mr. Henry’s, the Quillian family (owners of the restaurant since 1972) was faced with a difficult decision. Current business thought would …

You read that headline right. CNN’s Ashley Codianni found the absolute best Vines of 2014 featuring politicians. If at least one of these videos doesn’t warm your heart as you watch on loop, you’re probably a D.C. grinch. Whether it’s competing in a guitar battle or doing a karate kick …

#NATIONAL We miss Boardwalk Empire; North Korea = 1, Sony = 0;  Jay Cutler is not having a good week; Can you make this go Woodhouse? err… viral?; Got the club going up … on a Tuesday; North Korea is so ********{HACKED}********{REMOVE TEXT}******; #DISTRICT Bill Clinton still has A-game; Ask …

#NATIONAL If you have to ask what Serial is, you need this Vox post h/t Morgan Gress; The 12 days of bacon is everything; Sony’s leaked emails are really entertaining; Colbert is killing it with interviews lately; What’s in the box?!; It’s just $4; #DISTRICT Dear house staffer telling the …

You’re going to be wiped out from a Saturday night of partying, and if we know you, you’re probably going to need some good karma. Rework your Sunday evening to join Shannon Croom with Mission 29.2 at Sticky Rice 1224 H St NE DC for a fundraiser benefiting Mission292’s upcoming trip to …