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Pacers’ O’Neal says rest of season in doubt

Tiger launched his First Pump Challenge, an online contest to help youngsters identify and share their greatest achievements.

Suite Talk Rep. Kohl hires Rohit Mahajan Jay Timmons now Exec. VP at NAM BSA hires Katherine McGuire (Enzi) Ducks Unlimited expands

Cillizza: Clinton vs. Obama Obama, “… felt the pinch of Ronald Reagan’s economic policies as a community organizer even as Clinton was serving as a “corporate lawyer on the board of Wal-Mart.” Clinton, “…fought for economic justice when you were representing your slum landlord Rezko.” Clinton, “I am used to …

Rahm runs from endorsement talk while brother Ari bashes Hillary

24-hour party people rediscover Manchester /just wait until the bands hit the 930 Club…

Schwarzenegger staying neutral during primaries

Donovan sets scoring record to give U.S. win over Sweden

Oliver Stone to make “fair” movie about George W. Bush

Did you have a pair? 23 commercials: I and here II III IV and here and here V and here and here VI and here VII and here VIII IX and here and here X XI XII XIII XIV (can’t find commercial) XV XVI XVII and here and here and …

Super Bowl: Patriots vs. Giants Wilbon: These Guys are Really Happy Last meeting: Week 17 New England: 38-35

Earvin “Magic” Johnson in South Carolina Ad for Hillary Clinton: “Clinton is no rookie” Obama’s team (quickly!) responds: “But Magic Johnson Was An Awesome Rookie…” /This is for the White House folks.

Brad Renfro’s 1994 Interview: A Look Back