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Must see TV [from Kimmel Live] DHS runs Cyber Storm [Trains, Planes, and Bloggers] This exercise may just catch on [Walk it out] Democrat biggest contributor to “Friends of John Boehner” [court ordered] The Fix [VP Line] Lowell Barron’s Punch Out [no charges] Congrats Butler and Jamison [All-Stars] So, you …

JoMa filing from a Taco Bell JoMa reporting from sunny Florida JoMa having dinner in Hollywood JoMa on KFC diplomacy

The K Street rush to McCain begins

Berkeley council tells Marines to leave “I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don’t belong here, they shouldn’t have come here, and they should leave,” said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast.

Suite Talk Foster to Burson-Marsteller Goodell to JetBlue Coe as EVP with Hawthorn Group Henry (AdFarm) to Hawthorn Henderson and Hubbard to McGuirewoods

Polipundit: McCain’s Campaign Over? (6/27/07) Nagourney & Kirkpatrick: McCain Drops Top Aides; New Doubts Rise (7/11/07) Ana Marie Cox: Behind McCain’s Campaign Chaos (7/11/07) Politico: McCain campaign implodes? (7/2/07) Newt: “I don’t see how [McCain] can get the nomination.” (7/30/07) Six months later… AP: McCain Claims Sweet Victory (1/19/08) First …

Mercurio calls it first: Homeland Security Sec. Schwarzenegger

Romney – Bring it on! McCain – Nah…..

and vote for Obama! MKH: Hulkster endorses Obama

Cillizza: McCain Win Cements GOP Frontrunner Status Lieberman Rules Out Running with McCain JoMa: Rudy ‘very likely’ to get behind McCain

EE: Impeached Democrats for Hillary AP: Obama Gives Away Money Tied to Donor Ben Smith: “Not a bad night for returning some Rezko money. Maybe Hillary wishes she hadn’t worked so hard to own the news cycle.”

Halperin: The “Stop Romney” Coalition –Rudy to endorse McCain in Cali. Guiliani hints at ending 2008 presidential bid Rudy had cash bar at “victory party”

Ericka Andersen: Straight from the Energy and Commerce Committee

Hoyer seeks bipartisanship on trade (10/03/07) House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday night that he was committed to building bipartisan support behind trade agreements with Colombia and South Korea that are dividing his caucus. Hoyer: Doubtful U.S. will pass trade deals (01/29/08) Congress is unlikely to pass a …

McGrane: Mortgage woes yield high interest on Hill