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Babington and Kellman report from inside the small and clubby Senate environment

Politico (Andrews), “the so-called “Chesapeake Primary” isn’t until Feb. 12 Politico (JoMa), “Shouldn’t it be called the Chesapeake Primary?” Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (during an interview with WaPo’s Pershing), “Some people might want to call it the ‘Chesapeake Primary.’”

CNN travel: New late-night spots in D.C.

Suite Talk Cogorno (Hoyer) to Elmendorf Kolbert to PFAW Chew (CUNA) to DIRECTV Barcak, Bregman, and Hermann all move around in Ruppersberger’s office

This article says so much about Jimmie Johnson: Akers: Pelosi Skips Calif. Primary to Work the NASCAR Vote Ken Spain on his A-game: “The Democrats better hope that Nancy Pelosi received her immunization shots before taking the podium with Jimmie Johnson today,” says National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain, …

Pershing: Convention Party Do’s and Don’ts Bresnahan: Senate splits with House on ‘lawmaker tributes’ at national conventions

Suite Talk McMurtry and Lapp to PPS Perez becomes floor director for Hoyer Ohlson (FCC) to Akin Gump

Play Money: They Work Hard, Then Party Hard. But They Don’t Realize the Cost. Washington Post asks, “Do young Washingtonians spend too much on networking, happy hours, and going out?” Doesn’t everyone know about Common Share?

Did you know the Washington Wizards’ Gilbert Arenas has a blog? Gilbert sponsors a Halo team and found the Wizards Ballboy from his friends on Myspace. He even claims a bowling average between 220 and 240. Excerpts from his January 28 post: Got a New Video Game So I have …

Will this entice first time voters to the ballot box in November? Is this all “feel good” hope? Any policy in there? Does that help? Have we just seen the new politics for our generation? Where has Kareem been for the past few years? However you feel about Obama and …

NFL Sacks Church Super Bowl Parties After reading several stories about how preachers sacked the annual event to comply with NFL rules, former Washington Redskins quarterback turned Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C., fired off a letter Friday to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell asking for an exemption for churches.

Redskins’ Monk and Green lead six into Hall of Fame Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation His Redskins Bike Super Bowl Rings

Fiddy for Hillary “For President, I’d like to see Hillary Clinton…I just think she could do a good job. I mean Obama, ain’t nothing bad about Obama in my eyes either. I just think Hillary — that would be my choice.” Adding, “I’m not sure America’s ready to have a …