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BBC: Warning Given Over Techno Addicts A growing number of people are becoming addicted to their mobile phones, Blackberries and other digital devices, researchers are warning. Techno addiction can become so bad that people wake up several times a night to check their e-mails and text messages.

The Little Green Footballs blog reports that while Obama won’t wear an American flag on his lapel, on the wall in his Houston campaign office hangs a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s face on it.  Che’s Wiki page

Real ‘Work’? Clinton Swipes at Chelsea’s Profession

When Will Hillary Drop Out? Obama Scores 1o to Zero With Big Win in Wisconsin

Weekly DC music schedule [DCist] Pettitte apologizes for sticking his rear with needles [JUICED] Lohan recreates monroe photo shoot [6 weeks] More footage of Baltimore cop salvatore rivieri abusing the public [Are You From the County?!] You are teh dumb [absentee] Financial woes force church to sell private jet [Call …

Bres: Democrats set pro forma sessions to avoid ‘special session’ on FISA

The Fix: Pining for JFK? From the very start of his campaign, Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) has sought to draw parallels, subtle and not-so-subtle, between his candidacy and that of Kennedy. The similarities are real: both men had spent a relatively short time in public life before running for national …

Roger Simon: Clinton targets Obama’s PLEDGED delegates

RNC Outlines Obama Attack Plan Focusing on Barack Obama’s “inexperience” and “undisciplined messaging” are two ways to ensure that the senator from Illinois doesn’t get to be president, according to honchos at the Republican National Committee.

Suite Talk Sartucci (Lott) to K&L Gates McClellan (WH) to APCO Schuyler to UST Public Affairs Stetson (Kerry) to Sheridan Group

Students Fight Back Against Gossip Site [JuicyCampus] Falcons Release Four-Time Pro Bowler Crumpler [Crump-dogg!] Nationals Spring Training Update [DCist] Suze Orman’s Book Downloaded 1 Million Times in One Week [Oprah Power] Vanity Plate Sells for $14 Million in UAE [Too Much Money] Potential Home Owners Sidelined by Fears [CRASHED!] James …

Pershing names Congressman John Conyers “Capitol Briefing Player of the Week” House Democrats left town Thursday for the President’s Day recess having fired two controversial salvos at the Bush administration — approving contempt of Congress citations against White House officials while refusing to renew a terrorism surveillance law. House Judiciary …

Mark Kilmer’s Sunday Morning Talk Shows Review