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Here at FamousDC, we not only get tips, story ideas and other inappropriate electronic messages, but sometimes we’re sent very colorful emails from readers who simply want to rant about something that has them all fired up. FamousDC is managed by a group of current and former Capitol Hill, Administration, …

Gabriel Snyder, editor-in-chief of The New Republic, and Alberto Ibargüen, president of the Knight Foundation, will outline their individual visions for journalism at the upcoming National Press Foundation Awards dinner. Ibargüen will also receive NPF’s prestigious W.M. Kiplinger Award for Distinguished Contributions to Journalism. Nine other awards will be given. …

“Where we’re going, we don’t need government mandated healthcare.” Photo outside the Capitol Hill Club – Original joke and photo credit: David M. Drucker

Ain’t nobody got time for dessert. Some restaurants have given up entirely. “More restaurants than you would think” are outsourcing their sweets to independent bakers, says Mark Bucher, who owns Medium Rare, with locations in Cleveland Park and Barracks Row. Bucher’s is among them. “You give them your recipes and …

A relative newcomer to the FamousDC Flickr Photo Pool, Z. Lewkowicz has been knocking it out of the park with a bevy of well-treated, well-framed shots.  His photo, taken at DC Yards Park after a rainy day is stunning.

There is nothing more we can say about an accordion version of Sandstorm by Darude, except that maybe this would be the time to question why you and your talents haven’t been on stage yet.  

Don’t settle in for a long winter’s nap, get out and go see these cool things this weekend. Phillips After 5, punk fundraiser concerts, drones &&& more – your ultimate first February weekend has arrived.

Queen Elizabeth has HAD IT UP TO HERE [with these corgis at her feet] Politico reporters are ruining Rosslyn? [Say it ain’t so] Did you want to watch an autonomous firefighting robot from VA Tech suppress flames? [Yeah, thought so] Photo by Jim Havard

Tim Miller Armando Pérez Ada Polla Susanna Quinn Andrew Kovalcin Aaron Silverman John Sonderman Ben Jenkins Emma Dumain Harrison Suarez

That’s all for Tuesday, folks.

We know it’s early in 2015 but we think Helena Andrews is in the running for scooping the scoop of the year. Continuing his seemingly random tour of D.C institutions, Sheen was spotted at Charlie Palmer Steak on Monday afternoon. … About halfway through their meal, the resto’s staff was …

This Buzzfeed News article gets better with every sentence.  Adrian Carrasquillo, you’re a hero. The enduring hunt for Republican celebrities has its newest viable target: Pitbull. “Who wouldn’t want Pitbull?” she said. “He can’t just get us votes in the 305, he can get us votes worldwide.” “¡Dale! The Republican …

This WaPo piece by Ben Terris on Aaron Schock’s newly decorated digs is delightful. Great writing. …my phone rang. It was Schock’s communications director, Benjamin Cole. “Are you taking pictures of the office?” he asked. “Who told you you could do that? . . . Okay, stay where you are. You’ve created a …

Can someone get us cookies from this place? [We’re on the bandwagon.] Family zoo day turned violent [What is it about pandas that make people want to pull a gun?] Andrew Beaujon dug up [5 fascinating moments from the 1985 Senate rock lyrics hearing] Photo by Andrew Benson