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Suite Talk Joann Donnellan leaves WH to start JD Media Vance Taylor (Homeland Security) to Olive, Edwards & Cooper Comcast promotes Kerry Knott and Joseph Waz, Jr. Annette Puente joins Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz

Nancy Pelosi: Olympic boycott would be mistake (Friday, March 28, 2008) Nancy Pelosi: President Should Consider Boycotting Olympics’ Opening (Monday, March 31, 2008) You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Any thoughts on what she did this weekend?

Top 10 April Fools’ work pranks “When determining whether a prank is a good idea on April Fools’ Day, employees should consider the worst case scenario of their joke. Will his or her joke simply result in a laugh from fellow co-workers? Or could anybody, including you, lose their job?” …

Patrick O’Connor: Influential GOP lobbyist joins Altria Bruce Gates, an influential Republican lobbyist with close ties to House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), is leaving Washington Council Ernst & Young, the firm he helped found in 1996, to work in the Washington office of the newly reconstituted Altria, according …

Here’s the famous New York Times Magazine article all of DC discussed over brunch this weekend. Benjamin Wallace-Wells: A Case of the Blues Cole’s strategy is not complicated, but it does contain an essential difficulty: at a moment when Washington is deeply unpopular, he wants his candidates to run as …

Ryan Zimmerman delivers game ending home run in the bottom of the 9th! Nationals 1-0 in new stadium Michael Ruane: Cheers Not Just for the Home Team but for Timely Rails, Clear Roads Dick Heller: A permanent palace for baseball in the District Express: Opening Night at Nationals Park Selig: …

Nationals Park opens today. WaPo has an interactive map for your own virtual tour. Boswell: Upon Inspection, New Home Has Some Sweet Aspects to It Sommer Mathis: Nationals Park Songs Selected

Calderone: Pigskins and Politics The NFL and NBC reached a compromise today to run the game at 7 p.m. EST, instead of 8:30 p.m. So as long as there’s no overtime, the game should end before McCain hits the podium.

Mary Ann Akers soberly files: Major-League [Expletive] Newsman Finds Redemption [The Panama Canal?] Politicians who have been maligned by the media find redemption all the time. So why shouldn’t that be the case for journalists who have been maligned by politicians? It seems to have happened for Adam Clymer, the …

Work on the backdrop, bro JoMa: An off-message backdrop

Following his Entourage brother Ari – Rahm still holding out for the biggest deal Ambinder: Rahm’s the Only One Now, Rep. Rahm Emanuel is the only Illinois superdelegate who hasn’t taken sides.

Amanda Carpenter and Ed Morrisey are knocking out the cable news outlets!

Suite Talk 3/18 IT-ISAC makes moves and names Phil Reitinger as new president Neil Adler leaves the fourth estate for the Mac J.P. Fielder leaves NAM to join the Chamber Suite Talk 3/20 MSHC sits in Yahoo’s purple chair Jim Murphy named COO and CFO for DDC Baker Donelson expands …

Murtha endorses Clinton ending month-long superdelegate drought Josh Green says the superdelegates are hurting the Democratic Party by waiting to pick either Obama or Clinton: This is nonsense. Superdelegates can worry about the party, or they can preen and carry on about the importance of their role. They can’t do …