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This country went from an expected decade of Republican majorities in the Senate and House as recent as 2004, to an expected Republican minority of 70 seats in the House…in 2008. John Harris & Josh Kraushaar: GOP Cancer: Party Could Lose 20 More Seats: Many House GOP operatives are privately …

YouTube, Twitter Augment Quake Coverage [Tech Daily Dose] Are You Concerned About the Economy? [Post 200] Obama Needs to Hire Better Staff [it wasn’t me] Kanye West Rocks Nissan Pavillion [DCist] Mo Money, Mo Problems [Sunlight]

The Recently Married Ben Pershing: Hoyer Testifies on ‘Stolen Vote’ In an apparently unprecedented session, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) testified this afternoon before the special committee that was set up to investigate whether Democrats “stole” a controversial House vote last August. As A&E’s First 48 tells us: For …

Old Gas Pumps Can’t Handle Ever-Rising Prices [This. Sucks.] McCain’s 7 Steps to Beating Obama [Michael Scherer] Ryan Sandberg Still Has It [Bench Clearing] Well, That Didn’t Last Long [F-Bomb] No Go On Paulville [Ron-town]

Politico’s John Bresnahan used his Monday column to take a few shots at Human Events and Jeb Babbin: The really, really excellent “journalists” at Human Events have just found out that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) will testify tomorrow before the select committee investigating last August’s “stolen vote” on the …

Reuters Moves 20 Pics of Playboy’s Playmate of the Year [Oddly Enough] Charles Barkley’s No Better than Ron Burgundy [Stay Classy] Blogging Goes Professional [Megan McArdle] Pictures of Jenna’s Wedding [Spectacular] His Man Card is Irrevocable [One Hand] Things I Did Last Night [Stiffler]

Ben Smith: How to end a presidential campaign There are 50 ways to leave your lover, 13 ways of looking at a blackbird, and at least six ways to drop out of a presidential race. With Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign running on empty with little hope of victory, the New …

Mike Allen’s Playbook on Saturday tells us JoMa took a book to a bachelor party this past weekend: This is piece adapted from Harwood & Seib’s juicy new book, “Pennsylvania Avenue: Profiles in Backroom Power.” … It’s SO GOOD that bachelor-party-attending Jonathan Martin stole our copy and won’t give it …

Stay dry out there. Has it ever rained like this in DC before? Here’s the latest from the National Weather Service: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC-CITY OF ALEXANDRIA VA- CITY OF FAIRFAX VA- CITY OF FALLS CHURCH VA-ARLINGTON VA-FAIRFAX VA- 938 PM EDT SUN MAY 11 2008 … …THE FLOOD WARNING …

Have you ever wondered how your life would be different if you were a famous NFL player for the Washington Redskins? Luckily for us, Chris Cooley takes us straight to the action on his personal blog, where he recently answered a few questions about the NFL draft: If I was …

John Bresnahan: GOP Leaders Warn of Election Disaster Shellshocked House Republicans got warnings from leaders past and present Tuesday: Your party’s message isn’t good enough to prevent disaster in November, and neither is the NRCC’s money. … The double shot of bad news had one veteran Republican House member worrying …

After DeShawn Stevenson calls out LeBron James, the Wizards are down 3-1 the Cavs. Gilbert Arenas tries to put lipstick on a pig, but this one is about over: Game 5 Next If we’re going to pull out this series, we’re going to need a miracle. We’re going to have …

A Topless Photo Threatens a Major Disney Franchise [Miley Cyrus] Sean Penn Leading Biodiesel Trek Across America [Spicoli] Anti-war Cindy Sheehan to Take on Pelosi [Uphill Battle] Launched [Tech Daily Dose] McFadden Ready to Get on the Field [Raiders!] Most Hilarious AP headline of the Day [Balls] Seeking Larry …

We hope you made it into work OK and missed all of the truckers. If today’s protest is anything like the last one, it may be a good day to break out those ear plugs at your desk. Gas Prices Protest Could Jam Morning Rush A group of truck drivers is planning …

National Press Club’s Monday Seminar, “Reporting from Facebook” [Tech Daily Dose] Rock Acts Upstage Coachella Headliner Jack Johnson [Waiting, Playing the Fool] Dolphins Formally Draft O-Tackle Jake Long [First Pick] This is How We Lost to the White Man [Bill Cosby] Congrats Ben Pershing! [Blissful]