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Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer stops by the WaPo and pronounces newspapers and magazines dead. Kim Hart: Steve Ballmer Swings By the Post Steve Ballmer’s favorite TV show is “Lost,” but he refuses to pay a buck to get it on iTunes–he’d rather deal with a few ads. He still isn’t sure …

DC Naked Bike Ride Scheduled for Saturday [DCist] Proposed Baseball Stadium Names [Squidpants] Wu-Tang and Online Chess [wuchess] Garfield Minus Garfield [scary]

You can tell from his stance that Donnie is still the bad boy [NKOTB] Keep Your Sidewalks Clean [politics & prose] Can’t Find a Bathroom on the Mall? [let it go] Drudge Report for Sports [Bleacher Seats] Bill Clinton on the Prowl? [Election Geek] NBA Finals are Here [Lakers vs. …

It looks like more DC political reporters are using Social Networking sites to track down sources, look-up background information on staffers, and investigate ex-girlfriends. We know what you’re thinking – and yes, you need to log onto Facebook and take down that drunken beer bong picture of you at Dewey …

More DC Commuting with High Gas Prices [] Do Not Enter This Site If You Are Afraid of Awesome [goremy] An Ode to the Wedding Dance Floor [Todd Yoder] DC Pedestrian Plan Released [look both ways] Nobody Puts Chuck Todd in a Corner [Facts] Rachel Ray’s Scarf Gate [District Diaries] …

What did you do over the weekend?  Democrats fought and DC women caught back up with Carrie. Dana Milbank: Democrats Come Together To Tear Their Party in Half The panel went on, by a vote of 19 to 8, to give Michigan half of its votes — and to give …

The Best Place for a Jumbo Slice in DC [Adams Morgan] Vineyard Vines in G-town [Project Beltway] Joakim Noah vs. Cedric Benson [Bust] All Magazines, All the Time [Zinio] Thanks, Deadpin [FamousDC]

Will Charles Barkley Be in a Casino Before 08-09 Season? [bodog] The Best Place for a Jumbo Slice in DC [Adams Morgan] Break-Ups Are Always Tough [Borders & Amazon] New Doors Movie Coming [anti-Oliver Stone] Jail for Sale [inmates not included]

I’ll make him a wardrobe suggestion he can’t refuse [Soprano] John Denver Karaoke Sparks Thai Killing Spree [wait, what?] JC Watts Launching Black News Network [Calderone] Buying Votes Ain’t What It Used to Be [Gimmickery] Nationals Want You to Stay at Work [DCist]

Are you a recent college-grad, intern, or procrastinating Capitol Hill staffer who hasn’t quite pulled it together? Well, if so, we’ve got some well-guided advice that might just help you out. The editors here at FamousDC have begun to compile a list of tips and best practices for aspiring young …

Making vroom for the President [Rolling Thunder] Evolution of a Congressman [Weekly Standard] Vince Young Considered Retirement [One Year] WaPo 2008 Intern Guide [Happy Hour] It Is Always About the Food [JoMa] Extra Order of Fries [RIP]

If you read one article today, check out this one … and then go back to FacebookYouTubeGmailCraigslist. Howard Kurtz: Post Buyouts Come With an Emotional Cost Let’s not bury the lead: This is a rough time for the newspaper business, a rough time for The Washington Post and a rough …

Yes folks, even the Washington Post can still tie one on. WaPo reporter Megan Greenwell covered the “tamer” side of Dewey Beach and her story ended up on page A-1 of the Monday edition. Megan Greenwell: To Entice Families, Dewey Markets a Tamer Side DEWEY BEACH, Del. — As mid-Atlantic …

It’s My Party and I’ll Bail if I Want To [Robin Wright] Buy a Car and Get FREE Guns or Gas [Missouri] Southern Style Chicken Sandwich [Hungry JoMa] The Gratitude Campaign [Thank You] Bobby Jindal for Veep [Norquist] Overheard in D.C. [DCist] Is Obama Muslim? [No]

In observance of Memorial Day, please take a minute and watch this short movie from the The Gratitude Campaign The Gratitude Campaign Story: For the past several years as I’ve been traveling around the country, I’ve been approaching Soldiers in airports and thanking them for serving for us. On several …