Author Archive



John Stanton – reporter, rock star, radio host, 100% American bad ass.

NPR: Vermont’s Leahy Cameos In ‘Dark Knight’ Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), is making a cameo appearance in the latest Batman movie, The Dark Knight. The lifelong Batman fan will also host a $50-a-ticket screening on July 12. The proceeds will go to Montpelier’s Kellogg-Hubbard Library.

The Face That Launched 2.0-thousand Ships [Napster] Busta Rhymes is Back [Expressive Frontier] Overheard Lowes Staff Meeting [Herb of DC] Red, White, and Bleu [oddly enough] Road Trip Tip #3 [pipe cleaners] Free Concerts [Fort Reno Park] Petworth Kicks Ass [July 4th]

Didn’t yesterday feel like Sunday? Today is totally a bonus day. Lots of good Flickr pics from the DC fireworks.

Poor Aaron Rodgers [comeback] Facebook Teens [mental risk] Obama’s Cabinet [Youth] Tee Ball [oddly enough] Crestwood [sweet digs] My Dear Watson [Ali-G] Hot Terrorism [fist jab] Fake Louis [$64M] Bullet Proof [DC]

We’ll be back after the holiday weekend. 

Why Do Journalists Miss Russert So? [Kurtz] Kick ’em When They’re Down [Akers] Great Selection [What Liz Said] Bobby Kennedy Called It [hope] NoVa? Really? [washwords] You’ve Got Female [Kimsey] DC Cab Rules [confusing]

Douche in DC:  Ways to be a Tourist Without Being a Douche… We spend some time discussing the Douche we all encounter every day, from every place, in every nook of our fair city… the tourist. Now, to discuss the douchiness of DC tourists is by no means a one …

FamousDC – It’s like waking up to a double yolk  egg every morning.

10 Questions with Jason Campbell [47] Show Me the Money [Gilbert Arenas] I Would Walk 6,590 Miles [BCBS] Crazy Indian Video [Buffalaxed] Adama for President [believe]

FamousDC readers know we’re big fans of Patrick Gavin and Nora McAlvanah. You can imagine our surprise to read an article that has advice from both of them. Luckily for all of us….they nailed it (with an Extreme quote). Campaigns and Elections: How to get on the air – all …

From today’s Playbook Mike Allen: Playbook yesterday sent our 100,000th e-mail since Politico launched 18 months ago. Which intern has to count those?

But we’re sure it is very cool. Posterous

Doctrine Feelgood [Extreme Mortman] Fantasyland at the Beach [Sand Castle] Got $15 Billion to Spare? [Facebook] *What Media Bias? [Obama] Guess the Veep [Bill Gates] GOP Eulogy [Sam’s Club] Weight Limit [Q Street]

Chris Cooley marries a cheerleader and hangs out with Dale Jr. during the offseason. Suddenly that margarita at Tortilla Coast doesn’t look as cool. Shutdown Corner: The Cooley Zone: A Day at the Track with Dale Junior I spent the morning getting into the track, trying to convince Sandra in …