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JoMa: Ya can’t make it up: The New Yorker says it’s satire. It certainly will be candy for cable news.

Sunday’s Playbook: SPOTTED – Doug Heye, doing the Macarena on the Jumbotron at Nationals Park.

Gilbert Arenas makes it official, signs six-year, $11 million deal with Wizards on Sunday. Congratulations to Agent Zero and the Wizards. We’re glad to see local teams spend big money to keep our superstars in D.C.

Change We Can Believe In [FamousDC] Welcome Back [Summer and the City] Photoshopped Terrorism [wonkette] Is That Really Your Name? [smash] No, it would be awesome [20210] Enjoy the Weekend [Friday] Find us yet? [nay]

DC Needs a Chick-fil-A [20210] Kick them out of D.C. [Bengals] Who Are We? [Gavin] Tangy Sweet [Fro-Yo] Baby Drama [Logan] It is gross [Creole] McFly [shoes]

Gary Condit vs. Dominick Dunne [dismissed] Please Look at me Senator [oddly enough] Headline of the Day Award [Ben Smith] A month already? [impeachment] Lots of splaining needed [Pat Dye] Seeing Double [bring to Metro] Hu’s on First? [oddly enough] Hot Rasslin’ [Bruno]

HOH: Striptease II The titillating tale of the two bare-chested women making out with each other at the Capitol Lounge on Saturday night is reaching near urban-legend status on Capitol Hill. The scandalous rumors are flying (The girls were twins! They were tan but had no tan lines!), but HOH …

Ok, FamousDC fans. Let’s figure out where thehotfile works. During the day she is a normal news producer, but once home she turns into….thehotfile. The self-described “good liberal” is willing and ready to take on the “Double Talk Express.” She wants her 15 minutes, so let’s shine the FamousDC spotlight …

Happy Four Year Anniversary! [DCeiver] Lost Over $100 Million by Age 28 [Vick] Nobody Wants Them [Steelers] Obama’s Hairgate [color blind] Capital Killings [murder rate] We Love Lists [red ball] NCAA Quiz [61]

The Hill: Energy Bill Out of Gas “‘Right now, our strategy on gas prices is “Drive small cars and wait for the wind,’ said a Democratic aide.” Why would anyone ever say something so profoundly stupid?

We bet the Lounge will be packed this Saturday. From today’s HOH: Striptease Revelers at the popular watering hole Capitol Lounge on Saturday night were treated to a scene straight out of a “Girls Gone Wild” DVD. HOH hears two women engaged in a topless make-out session at the front …

Here’s our first FamousDC experiment … let’s see if it works. We’ll call it the Erin Hartigan Experiment. Ya know the theory that all single guys need to do is hang out a gay bar and they will have their pick of the girls that go? Well, what about this? …

but David Gregory? Craigslist: NBC–David – 35 (NW DC) Interested in what type shoes David Gregory wears to work? his shoe size?

Does this make my butt look big? [oddly enough] What Did You Do on the 4th? [world record] Let the Romance Begin [douche nozzle] The Knock on the Door [honor them] Man Rips Hitler Head [41 minutes] Baltimore, hon [FedEx]

Ivan Carter: Agent Zero $111 Million Staying in D.C. “I looked at like this: There is nothing I can do for my family with $127 million that I can’t do with $111 million,” said Gilbert Arenas, who was offered the maximum salary allowed to stay with the Wizards. “I mean, …