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Facebook update of the week: Doug Heye will be on The O’Reilly Factor at 8PM, even though he will be at the Neil Diamond concert.

It’s August, everyone is vacation, Congress is gone (at least the Senate and half the House), it is hotter than hell outside, and CODELs are once again the new black. Basically, nobody is working and web traffic slows to a halt… Well, unless your Patrick Gavin and you release your …

FamousDC has decided to get off the sidelines during this historic election. We’re ready to endorse a candidate… See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

City Mouse vs. Country Mouse [Missouri] Niche is the new black [WASHWORDS Bush Ain’t One [99 problems] Only show in town [drill] They rocked [Coldplay] Working [cole mine]

Maybe you should be a little nicer to that press secretary in your office. You know, the one that always seems to come in the meetings at the last second and then gets his name quoted next to some zinger in HOH. Yep, that guy. Looks like if he plays …

FamousDC sends birthday wishes to our good buddy over at Oddly Enough.

Juniper Lane recently won the contest to open up for Coldplay and they rocked! Also, Vivion Smith was spotted in the cheap seats with fans taking pictures and signing autographs. Good for them…Coldplay followed suit and played their last two songs before the encore from the cheap seats.

With Brokaw flailing at MTP, does George smell blood in the water? Whatever provoked it, the former Clinton staffer drilled Speaker Pelosi for 8 minutes on energy policy today on “This Week.”

I’d spend it all on a pool. DC Sports Blog: Gilbert’s Million-Dollar Pool

Enjoy the Weekend [booty call] Crocs [DC Photo Journal] Bottom of the deck [JoMa] Launching Today [Bash] Party Favors [Rebecca] Everything! [creole]

Here’s the weirdest headline/intro we’ve seen in a while. Nancy Pelosi vs. Rush Limbaugh — By: Chuck Norris Despite the fact that a recent poll found that Americans now believe (by a 3-1 ratio) gas prices are a bigger problem than global warming, The Washington Post noted that House Speaker …

Here’s a GREAT example of FamousDC. You can go from House Conference press staff to being represented by the William Morris in NYC. That’s a long way from Lehigh for Ms. Tantaros. Page Six: Total Package REMEMBER the name Andrea Tantaros The brainy brunette was known in political circles from …

WOW. The Fix files more stories than anyone, (always first), knows the latest on the WH 08 race, hits every lay-up, and he SINGS!

Broken Windows [theory] How Dare Them! [luda] Secret Sessions [whoa] Welcome Back [PB] Fire Boxes [art]

Of course, the Running of the Brides Jeff Clabaugh: Filene’s frenzy set for Friday Unless you’re looking for a bargain-priced wedding gown, you might want to steer clear of Mazza Gallerie Friday morning. It’s time for Filene’s Basement’s annual “Running of the Brides.” … Filene’s will open the doors at …