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Nothing celebrates a 50th Birthday like multiple MOON BOUNCES! If they had these all the time, all of the city’s problems would be solved. Streets would get fixed, crime would come to a grinding halt, Pepco workers would be helpful – simply, the world would be a better place. We …

Oldest Domain Names [100] Finale [online dating] Good Luck [stand up] Stay Away [NY Ave] Weekend [training] Nice Pad [McCain]

We’re still big fans of the Washington Redskins Blogging All-Pro Tight End, but Backstreet Boys? Really? Captain “Christy Has Me Whipped” Chaos: Chris Cooley taking his wife to the Backstreet Boys show at Wolf Trap on Monday. The Redskins star (yellow shirt, backwards Atlanta Braves cap) gamely fist-bumped a fan, …

Both campaigns have done a good job trotting out their conventional wisdom picks: Romney for McCain Biden for Obama Did we just bite on another pump fake or are these the legit picks?

Weird Sculptures [Connecticut] Sallying 2.0 [facebook] Breaking Up [friends] Preppy Paper [swap] $19 cab ride [max] Everyblock [DC]

Listen up sports fans, we’ve got two outs in the bottom of the 9th, 4th down, 6 teams fouls, only seconds left on the clock before the buzzer sounds … WE’VE GOT VICE PRESIDENTIAL PICKS COMING You can get text alerts from the Obama campaign as soon as the pick …

He’s so busy he has no time to shave – barely has time to bathe, and as for the treadmill, forget about it. But, in true Michael Moore fashion, he has found time to toot his own horn.  From his most recent column: Obama, at some point, might be asked …

Intern Superstar [Ithaca] Charles Barkley [patron] God Loves You [Jets] For Brian [funnel] Rub down [WaPo] Let it go [phelps] Engrish [funny]

Millions of readers…..readers for FDC…..millions of readers…..readers for free….. We haven’t hit 1 million yet, but have you subscribed to our daily email alert? What about our Twitter page?  YouTube? Smoke Signals?

Brandishing her partisan credentials, the Hotfile attacks McCain and his photo-op on an oil rig platform. Enjoy SR!

Eco-dating [green walk of shame] Church Car Dealership [crossover] 10 Things We Now Know [Jets] Death of the Doorbell [call me] Great Call [google reader] Chef Geoff [pizza!

BUT not debate while partying. Hill Republicans continue to own Capitol Lounge, but is everything else slipping away? Democratic staffers have taken over U Street and are looking to expand their jurisdiction. Will an Obama Administration mean nobody can get a table at Chi-Cha Lounge and Local 16’s roof top …

ABC News: Google Launches 2008 Election Website Before Political Conventions (08/18) WaPo: Google Campaigns For White Spaces (08/18)

WSJ: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Are Pounded Share prices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plunged Monday amid growing fears that the two largest providers of funding for U.S. home mortgages won’t be able to avoid a government bailout. … In 4 p.m. trading on the New York Stock Exchange, …

Captain Chaos jams straight 90s music. Cooley posted his and Mike Sellers top 20 songs from Week 3 of the Preseason. You can read their lists after the jump, but in the meantime: