Author Archive



Remember that blog Stuff Hill People Like? We do too.  When it was first discovered we laughed and mocked the clone-like behavior of hill staff  and secretly promised ourselves that we would never ever go to Tortilla Coast or clip our blackberries to our hips again. Since April the blog …

No Capitol Lounge? HOH: You Are What You Drink. In this contentious election season, Republicans and Democrats don’t just take opposite sides of most policy issues; they’re also split on where to eat, what bars to frequent and what newspaper to read. … The Liaison Capitol Hill, the swanky, recently …

Burning Man [ivorytowerz] Blowing Up [teacher chic] Ladies of the GOP [Miss S] Extreme [loitering] Obama [fashion] GOP [voters]

We’re all back at work. We’re drinking coffee instead of champagne. Congress is coming back. We have a stack of expenses to file. We’re buying our own drinks. The Black Eyed Peas are back to doing, well, whatever it is that they do. Here are a few closing thoughts and …

Log Cabin [schmidt] First Class [D.A.] Joe Gibbs [RNC] First Bag [$15] Uppity [JoMa] Oh, that [75K]

Congressional recess doesn’t keep the crazies away. Capitol Police stay alert 24/7 and thank goodness they do. Everyone complains about the roadblocks and diverted traffic patterns during rush hour, but they’re keeping us all safe. Reuters: U.S. Capitol police found a grenade, several weapons and ammunition in a car near …

Shallow [say something] Palin Politics [QC] Pretty [Politics] Jacked Up [13] Ethanol [scott] Pool [roof]

Happy Hour [DC Damsel] Bragging Rights [rosslyn] Goodnesss [Agent Zero] 200 posts [mad cabbie] Rule the World [alaska] Campaign Song [Palin] Fast Acting [bloggers]

The FamousDC Twitter machine will fire up again for the RNC convention.  We had one regular contributor in Denver and we will have two in Minneapolis/Saint Paul.  You can sign up for our alerts here. If you’re heading to the convention and would like to contribute, please email FamousDC–AT– We …

Respect [sugar n spice] Weekend Picks [dcist] Yep [interesting] Ask Gavin [balls] Cycle [Guzman]

Keeping the leaks hidden, Rolling out his VP pick the day after Obama’s speech, Announcing Palin, a female Governor from Alaska, Dare We Say: RETURN OF THE MAC!

Major Crush [Clinton] Presidential [poodle] Our Best [America] Fashion Fail [swift] Arlington [skinny] New Logo [Giant]

To: FDC My morning… So because it was drizzling this morning, I caught the shuttle bus from the Ford building over to Longworth on my walk into work. The nice bus driver lady had on Majic 102.3 (no, not kidding, ‘Majic’ with a ‘J”) and the Tom Joyner Morning Show …

Someone please give the NPR Politics team a Congressional directory or at least send them a link for google or wikipedia. Twitter/NPR Politics James Clyburne of North Carolina is talking about the Greatest Generation and America’s perseverance. /andy That would be Jim Clyburn, House Majority Whip, from South Carolina.