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This may make coffee come out of your nose.

Pageants to Politics [sallying] Short Shorts [Bench Press] Running DC [DC Universe] Blue Crabs [arugula files] Rock of Levi [thong speed] Opening Up [snark] False [creole]

I can not believe that FamousDC is still focused on political crap given the crisis that is Fantasy Football. 1.  Last time I saw Tom Brady he was on a yellow road with a lion, talking oil can and some hot chick with braids – he was on his way …

The votes are in. The ballots have been counted. Senator Cornyn’s press office is straight Texas heat. The hottest press duo on the hill … Lauren Bean and Tina Gray Roll Call: Hill Climbers: Political Beginnings

Shooting Wolves from a helicopter [Palin] Rage Against the Machine [ben stein] Elevator Etiquette [DC Damsel] Martha Stewart [pink book] Way to Roll [Sunday Night] eHarmony [scam]

UPDATE: Fortunately for fans, Cooley has taken the picture of his junk off his blog.  For those of you utterly confused as to what’s going on.  Our man Cooley accidentally snapped a picture of his playbook, and unbeknown to him, also featured his junk in the pic.  Dead Spin has …

The Internets never cease to amaze. Palin Child Name Generator Hilarity. h/t SECRET SIMMERINGS

Conventions are over, Congress is back and Brady is out for the season … what do we do now? Thankfully, The D.C. Concierge brings us a  guide for Weekend Septembers in DC: ADAMS MORGAN DAY! – Sunday, September 14th, 11:30am -6:30pm … Join me and thousands of others as we …

…and then a hero comes along…[mac] College Football Radio [free] Secretary of State [lindsey] Working moms [lipstick] Who Cares [more pics] Wisdom [remember] 7 Door Sedan [rocks] America [F yeah] Brady [fail]

FamousDC didn’t think we could make it through another draft this year, especially since our fail first pick is out for the season. But then we hear about this… The Glamazon Diaries: Are You Ready for Some Football? Join us at the Draft Party for the announcement of the 2008 …

Our favorite All-Pro blogging Redskins’ Tight End shows off his breakfast skillz. Captain Chaos Chef Chris Cooley 

A very enraged reader sent our tip lines his rants from fantasy football week 1. Please enjoy: 1.  Why is FamousDC still blogging on politics when it’s clear that Al Queda has infiltrated the NFL and f’d the season for all. It’s not just injuries, it’s Grade A teams losing …

Marc Ambinder: McCain Campaign Stands Up Palin Truth-Squadding Team The McCain campaign is standing up a truth-squadding operation designed to push what they deem as “smears” about Gov. Sarah Palin out of circulation. … The team, headquartered in Arlington, includes Mark Paoletta, a former chief counsel for the House Energy and …

Here’s your political nugget of the day.  And something we hope comes true. Rapper/Obama supporter Fat Joe has “challenged” reggaeton star/McCain supporter Daddy Yankee “to a debate,” because he thinks he is “ignorant on the issues” (New York Post). Which leads us to this… 1. Will either of them answer …

Mother Goose Shooter [obama/palin] Redskins Fantasy [week 1] Don’t Ruin [my fantasy] Outtie 5,000 [Goffman] Sample Sale [district]