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Are you still looking for a place to watch the final Presidential debate? Check out what ReConstitution 2008 pulled together. Act now, tickets are going quickly. The brainchild of three MIT grads who make up the group SoSoLimited, ReConstitution 2008 is a bipartisan hybrid of video art and performance that …

As you enjoy your morning coffee just think … tomorrow will be the last presidential debate of this election (and SNL will go back to a world of suck). A few links to enjoy as you kill time and avoid bailout meetings: You too could win the next Publisher’s clearing …

CRS reports [abstracked] Palin Kool-Aid [or wine] First Blog Date [smash] PunditMom [BlogHer] Fumble [skins]

Has anyone else been stuck in line at the Chi-Cha Lounge? When nobody is hanging inside? Can’t take it anymore? Neither can Roissy in DC.

Today is a holiday. Many of you won’t read this until Tuesday … so we’ll keep it brief. We’re getting dumber Some D.C. laws should stay on the books Cooley’s picks slip Smart money is leaving San Francisco MLB playoffs are in full swing

Balti [wrong pick] Fat Squirrel [rolls] Fall Knits [PB] dunno [tires] Hill [style] 3 [wine]

We’re often asked – who is FamousDC?  Good question… FamousDC is that District celebrity that everyone stops to talk to when they’re sitting outside of Sonoma, but someone no one will recognize outside the beltway. They‘re someone who is behind the scenes and just below the radar. Like an approps …

Fashion Washington [new] outta range [Glover Park] Hello DirectTV [comcast] A blogger? [stimeyland] Palin [well played] Fox [15 secs]

We hope you’re enjoying recess. Here are a few links to pass the time as your T-Coast digests. Go on and get your Capitol tweet on … Who will be in the next Cabinet? … Pick the red badge or the blue badge … America…f yeah!

Thank you for stopping by FamousDC. Whether this is your first time to stop by or not, we encourage you to sign up for our daily email alerts.Here at FDC, we cover the famous-for-DC intersection of politics, media and sports. Whether you’re heading to the water cooler, power lunching at …

I ran Fannie Mae into the ground requiring a taxpayer funded bailout and all I got was this $8.25 million house.

Do you think things are bad? … You could… turn off the TV … hang in the dumps … ring the alarm bell … lead the team in catches or drop hockey pucks

Rock Creek Park [doggies] Get Ye to G-town [so DC] Get back to work [ichat] Just keep it up! [redfin] Metro [sketch] Sad [hit gym]

Week five is behind us now and FamousDC still refuses to cut their coverage of guys opening doors to focus solely on Fantasy Football. However, I was excited to see some actual football related coverage of the Washington Sunburn’s tight end, Chris Cooley.  Congrats to Mr. Cooley who managed to …