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All. You. Need. To. Know. [alltop] Pissed PUMAs [sugar & spice] Hard Hitting [not the RNC] XOXO [project beltway]

A tipster spotted a “Joe the Plumber” supporter on Capitol Hill Saturday afternoon.  It looks like this is catching on.

The DC weather finally turned cold. Fall is here. Break out the gloves and scarfs, because winter is coming.  What happened this weekend? Perfect Gold Cup weather Sarah Palin lit up SNL Texas won big Howard lost a heart breaker homecoming game, but Diddy partied back to back nights in …

Condo Prices [rock bottom] Welcome [palomar] Friday [hangover] Heart [Randolph] Wall Street [bail] The End [bling] Dr. Dremo [rip] Vote [JayZ]

This They have some straight jamz to take you into the weekend. Check out the tag line: Chances are that if you are reading this online … you are not the MY HOOD VOTES target audience but you can still represent. Help us reach those brothers and sisters in your …

Top 10 [politicians] Mall Friends [laura] Best and Worst [DC] Sketchbook [S2]

What a week in NFL Fantasy Football.  We’re all worried about the market crash and my team made John McCain’s numbers look pretty damn good.  I’m dropping like a tub of concrete in the harbor with an Italian attached to it. To say I’m losing interest in my various leagues …

Reporters are constantly looking to break news, maintain the best sources, and always, always end with a strong kicker. If you’re confused as to what constitutes a good kicker, check out how Politico All-Star Chris Frates invoked a Chuck Norris roundhouse, when finishing up a story on “pain” featuring sex …

DC-NY Dinner Party Circuit [douthat] Just in time [Halloween masks] Spread the Wealth [Marx] Read a Book [R-E-A-D] Falling Trees [Tagged] Future Redskin [o & d]

This year we’ve seen presidential campaigns launched on YouTube, constant campaign updates on Twitter, and VP candidates announced via text mesage. We should have known it would only be a matter of time before DMCA take downs against campaign clips crept up. ArsTechnica: McCain/Palin campaign angry over bogus DMCA takedowns …

These. Fans. Don’t. Vote. Seriously. Reuters: Beastie Boys add dates to Obama tour

Who doesn’t want an NFL MVP to back-up your starting RB? AP: Former MVP Shaun Alexander signs with Redskins Former league MVP Shaun Alexander signed with the Washington Redskins on Tuesday, part of a flurry of roster activity in which the team ditched its punter, shuffled its safeties and displayed …

Well, we’ve seen everything else this campaign season. Why not? Thankfully this should all be over soon.

when a bird doesn’t poop in your mouth.

Revolution [not televised] Economy Tanking [pizza] Metro [flirting]