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*Crack-A-Lackin [Martha Stewart] Cash Money [inauguration] Let Them Fail [bailout] Christmas [watches] Black Honey [style] Male Ho [debate] Metro [rage]

Now that Obama is President, will the next version of Microsoft Word stop auto-correcting his name to Osama?

She’s not going to like this.

Life Lessons [monster truck] Write [pumpernickel] Celebrity [for Robert] Drunk Dial [birthday] Congrats [Jodifur] Street cred [DCist] See ya round [Avi] Global [hilarity]

You gotta tackle these things early. AP: Obama Eyes College Football Playoff

This title is for our friend John Stanton who hates the Cowboys more than another other person in Washington. His Facebook updates alone scare Tony Romo into acting hurt. Official Blog of Chris Cooley: First of all, our beloved Redskins are 6-3, and I think everyone other than the Redskin …

If you don’t follow the FamousDC Director of National Drug Control Policy, Ryan Grim, on Twitter, you’re missing out. He brings the fire … day-in/day-out

What does this button do? [yep] Fake NY Times [1.2 million?] Weekend Drink [specials] Doors closing [change] Too Soon [christmas] Cheaper tix [NFL] Come back [PB]

It’s a sad commentary that a site with such great potential, like FamousDC most certainly has, continues to ignore the fantasy football and focus instead on transition teams and jobs for journalists after the election.  This site should be instead focused on the transition from regular season football to the …

Patrick O’Connor and John Bresnahan: Hoyer Steps in Waxman-Dingell Fight

Well folks, here we are … Twitter is taking over the planet. Michigan Republican Chairman Saul Anuzis just announced his run for the National RNC Chairman on his Twitter page. Sanuzis RNC Chair…I’m at the Republican Governors Association meeting in Miami and officially announcing for RNC Chair on Twitter first!

The List [areyouonit] Keep it Down! [college] No tix for you [EHN] Door knob [POTUS] Lobbying [fashion] Hilarity [emanuel] Street View [DC] Dreams [PoP]

FamousDC recently speculated on what would happen to a few of our favorite political reporters now that the election is over. One of our predictions had Capitol Hill heartthrob Jonathan Martin leaving the Politico to pursue employment at his favorite fast food restaurant. After a handful of emails to our …

Anne Schroeder: Do you think he IMs anymore?