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A press release issued by House Republican Leader John Boehner regarding Rahm Emanuel ends up in a Saturday Night Live Skit. It is F*&%$%!&*G awesome. SNL: A Message from The White House Chief of Staff Designate h/t AMC

FamousDC Secretary of Education closes down his blog. JoMa: I won’t bury the lede: After nearly two years, the curtain is coming down on this blog. We’ll see ya round JoMa. Have fun at 1600!

Has anyone seen Bloomberg News reporter Nicholas Johnston lately? If not, you should call him. We’re pretty sure he kicked off for the Chargers last night.

Capitalizing on my 15 minutes of “fame”… here goes nothing. PHOENIXSUNSPHAN GOES TO D.C. Imagine if you will, that I choose under my own volition to actually go to D.C and leave the sunswept warmth of the lower Sonoran desert.  Imagine if you will, that I go back to that …

Best Headline [ever]

WOW – The Washington Times SA Miller took a page out of Marty McFly’s playbook. He’s traveled in time to a far away land known as “tomorrow” to file this story. Can someone email him and ask if we should start Big Ben in tonight’s Steelers – Bengals game?

Forget Musicovery [pandora] stuffed change [animals] Change [Professor] Transformers [WH]

***UPDATE: Waxman wins gavel by vote of 137-122 All of Washington is watching to see who will hold the powerful gavel in 2123 Rayburn. We’ll know in less than 24 hours. Roll Call: Gavel’s Fate Rests with the Caucus … Politico: Dingell & Waxman has party squirming … AP: Waxman, …

Like Al Franken, on Sunday I was just hoping they’d keep finding me more points here and there.  I came up short this week just like I always do – just ask my wife.  The post season will find me watching from the sidelines screaming! Let’s do it.

Crowded [inauguration] Tents [inauguration] Hair Dresser [need] Lucky [sake]

Tanner Cooley doesn’t like negative comments

Do you know what the beltway loves more than lists? Awards. Have you voted in Roll Call’s 110th Congress Awards?

So your boss was defeated and you lost your job?   Now you’re pounding the pavement looking for a new gig. And you’re left thinking, life couldn’t get any worse, right? Wrong. This is the kick in the pants you needed.  That opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Change is good. Run …

UPDATE: John Mayer has announced he has a crush on Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly – But who would win in a battle for Megyn’s heart? John Mayer or Luke the Gatekeeper? <a href=”” >Who win Megyn Kelly’s heart?</a> <br /> <span style=”font-size:9px;”> (<a href=””> surveys</a>)</span>

FamousDC gone FamousNYC, Andrea Tantaros