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Mike Madden is bringing the hilarity today on his Twitter page as he covers the auto bailout hearings. UPDATE 1: An hour into hearing, the Big Three CEOs are still sitting patiently waiting to begin their testimony. I will be here all day. … UPDATE 2: Chris Dodd has taken …

Sugar Daddy [economics] Missed [mad dc cabbie] Romcoms [little time] Phone call [pirates] Cabinet Maker [CQ] Business 101 [costly]

Please accept my sincerest apologies for not producing a fantasy football rant during the week of thanksgiving.  I was busy organizing the Matt Cassel fan club in Boston. Obviously this was before he turned into the Britney Spears of NFL quarterbacks on Sunday. … This has been the most inconsistent …

Super Obama World [the game] Pro Bowl [#skins] LinkedIn [hater] Serious [K Street] Wiping [butts]

Run-off [princess sparkle pony] Head O State [wow] Super Ride [skins] Heritage [fading] Flameco [chic] Torture [I95]

We put a man on the moon 40 years ago, but today nobody can recall an email. Seriously, do you know anyone who has ever successfully done that?

Scott Nance Jonathan Grella Donny Williams Brian Schubert Shira Toeplitz Cheryl Parker Rose Kim Oates S.A. Miller Molly Gannon Andrea Rogers

Cheese balls [eastern shore] Press Advance [good form] Spotted [Pamela’s Punch] Stay Classy [deceiver] FAIL (Again) [GM] Post [secret]

Michelle Rhee turns DC fame into national fame. She’s been on quite a media tear with a Washingtonian profile, an Atlantic Monthly profile and now the cover of Time Magazine. DCist‘s Kriston Capps tiptoes around calling DC’s Education Czar Michelle Rhee FamousDC: This cover illustrates a couple of interesting phenomenons: …

Everyone ate too much. Plaxico Burress has had better days. Charlie Rangel and Matthew Beck stopped reading papers. Redskins remember Sean Taylor at Fed Ex field. The New York Football Giants crushed the Skins

Thanksgiving out [DC Concierge] Spot Crime DC [scary] Turkey Tips [real guy] Open Houses [DC] Bail Out [print] FAIL [AIG]

Pelosi [malnurtured snay] Facebook Hook-up [25-17] Relax [project beltway] Christmas Tree [g-town] Mailing it in [POTUS] Hilarity [coooooley] Congrats [new job] Favorite [PoP]

Is this perhaps the best CNN headline ever? [Minister “too tired” for 7 days of sex]

What other “cute” sites does P-Giddy have on his Google News Reader? November 22, 2008 Cute Overload: Michael Phelps, your Wheaties sponsorship is ooooooooooverrrrrrr! [singsong] November 24, 2008 FishbowlDC: Happy Hour

Open Letter [Auto Makers] Overheard in DC [hilarity] Inaugural Homes [rent] Sunday [bonjour] Fore! [GM]