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Huffington Posts’s Harold Ambler admits what Matt Drudge started preaching many, many years ago. Harold Ambler: Mr Gore: Apology Accepted You are probably wondering whether President-elect Obama owes the world an apology for his actions regarding global warming. The answer is, not yet. There is one person, however, who does. …

We hope you enjoyed the break, got everything you wanted for Christmas, didn’t have to take a cab and also had time to untag all of your embarrassing NYE Facebook pictures. Let’s fire this thing up again, shall we? Alex Pareene’s Top 10 People Who Should Be Unemployed in 2009 …

Inaugural [fashion] FamousDC [twitter]

FamousDC Year in Review: As of today we’ve completed our first year here at FamousDC and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for coming along for the ride. Here’s a look back on the first year of staying classy and keeping DC famous: December 27, 2007 – …

***Twitter [FamousDC]*** Join the fun! Laughter [Extreme Mortman] Sports [DCprosportsreport] Fashion [Project Beltway] Media [fishbowlDC] Politics [alltop]

Jordy Yager: Longworth building temporarily evacuated  The Longworth House Office Building was evacuated Thursday afternoon after a steam pipe malfunctioned on the fifth floor.

If your league is like mine, you’re in the second round of the playoffs where the next two games are combined.  This means it’s down to the wire and you need fantasy miracles that would dwarf the virgin birth of Jesus H. Christ. In one of my leagues (yes, I …

No more updates? [graff] Good luck [interview] Reflection [Meg] Laid off [flickr] SEC [Madoff]

Cooley Zone: Congrats to Redskins Pro Bowlers

Fly Congress [Caribbean] Legally Blonde [musical] Hard Nosed [kids] Revolving [door] Wow [turtle] Playaz [ball]

We here at FDC are done with this whole “run FamousDC for fun” thing. We’ve decided to run for Congress. You see, we always thought being a Member of Congress involved never ending fund raising, weekly air travel in coach and lots of kissing babies. Instead it looks like you …

You’ll need to start wrapping up your really important conversations around 3:30 a.m. during inauguration week. WaPo: Inaugural ‘Last Call’ Moved Up D.C. bars and nightclubs will be allowed to serve alcohol until 4 a.m., not 5 a.m., during inauguration week after the D.C. Council voted last night to modestly …

If you’re a Capitol Hill staffer looking to trot your friends, family or any other visitor through the newly constructed trillion dollar Capitol Visitor Center (CVC), unfortunately that’s not going to happen – unless you’ve graduated from CVC tour school. As one tipster tells FDC, staffers are being forced to …

Things Bears Love [Colbert] Hollywood [calling] Deadly [popcorn] Proposal [twitter] NYC – DC [fast]

We knew both sides were getting fired up, but we never knew it would come to this. Roll Call: Police Investigate Longworth Cafeteria Break-In Capitol Police are investigating a break-in Friday night in the Longworth House Office Building. … Police officials declined to release details, citing an ongoing investigation. Just …