Author Archive



Why The Redskins Will Continue To Poop the Nest [little man’s disease]

The Fix sums up the situation in baseball terms for the rest of us: Chris Cillizza: If you’re scoring at home: Roland Burris 1, Barack Obama/Harry Reid/Senate Dems 0 Welcome to the Department of Mixed Messages Harry Reid: Burris won’t be seated (12/30/2008) “It is truly regrettable that despite requests …

Who can leave a Mercedes unattended and running for 7 hours at a Metro and not have it stolen? Chris Cooley: Hockey Even more car craziness. When we got back to the Vienna stop and walked to the parking lot I found that somehow I had left the Mercedes running …

NY Daily News: Hotties of the Obama Cabinet 1) Barack Obama 2) Sanjay Gupta 3) Rahm Emanuel (really?) 4) Arne Duncan 5) Timothy Geithner 6) Shaun Donovan 7) Peter Orszag 8) Eric Holder 9) Steve Chu 10) Jon Favreau Sadly, there was no mention of this list in Rahm’s inbox.

Inauguration [party] Inauguration [map] Teacher chic [new] Shopping [Blonde] White [whine]

PJ O’Rourke: A New Circus Comes to Town Barack Obama is not a P.T. Barnum of the Washington Big Top. The real P.T. Barnum had a side-show attraction where a lamb, a wolf, a leopard, and a lion had been trained to stay with each other in one cage. Asked …

Will this get the attention of Robert Gibbs? The New York Times publicly whines Obama hasn’t dropped by to kiss their ring. Alexander Burns: NYT reporter warns of one-term Obama Assistant managing editor Rick Berke, who moderated the panel, noted that Obama had already departed from Bush’s precedent in one …

New York Times: Hoops Fans Can’t Wait for Obama to Take Office

Does Juwan Howard owe Luke Russert money?

Card Check [$50 million] Senior Portraits [funny] Chorus [presidential] 25 [believe that] Obama [aging]

It looks like there were some pissed off Deaniacs yesterday. JoMa: Lei-off: Obama Snubs Dean “The snub today was no accident,” said one Dean ally. “I guarantee you he would have rescheduled his trip if asked to attend. It’s easy to [screw] over people when you are riding high in …

Coming back? [WASHWORDS] Bailout Boondoggles [Top 10] U Do the Dishes…[hilarity] Snuggie [fever]

Andrew Noyes tackles the hard assignments [Vegas]

It looks like we missed one (thanks J!). Washington City Paper: DC Inauguration Guide Check it out. They even have a COUNTDOWN TO OBAMA CLOCK (1,263, 122 seconds at time of posting) PREVIOUS POST: Alright so we know 3-4 million people are heading to D.C. for Obama’s Inauguration. There will …