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Caps! Caps! Caps! [on frozen blog ] Twitter [The_Real_Shaq ] Hilarity [fishbowlDC ] Just Wrong [PETA ]

A tipster sent us this miracle website for people with crappy facial hair. It’s really worth checking out to see what they’re doing for people who need beards to compete in today’s society.  The same people who were dealt the short end of the stick when it came to beard …

Happy Monday. Did you see Arnuld and Maria in DC? Was there anything else we missed this weekend? College basketball turned upside down as UNC learned to fear the turtle . Trouble brewing in the Blonde Charity Mafia world . There was some news about the Oscars . Oh, and …

Did Twitter just cruise by the Lincoln Memorial, run down the mall, skip past the White House, and then jump the shark? NY Times: The Week in Washington on Twitter Howard Kurtz: Anchors Twittering Their Lives Away

Facebook Status Abuse: Sarah is you know when the metro is running really late AND then there’s a sick passenger? Yeah, she passed out on me! When it’s cold outside, homeless people need a place to sleep.  You’ll get over it soon enough. [contact-form 3 “Facebook Alerts”]

We’re not sure if the current economy is the reason for America’s lack of self confidence, but this type of thing has got to stop. It’s not the first time.  Or the second.

Today is “The Fix‘s” birthday, so in the spirit of fixing up our site we figured we’d fix up a birthday greeting for Mr. Fix, and at the same time fix in a few fix references and try to set a fix sentence record.   [7]

Dear Blow Daddy, Our site load speed has been so slow lately, the 1980s called us last week and wondered if there was anything they could do to help. As much as we love the fact that we can click on a page, take a nap, reheat last night’s dinner …

Ambinder’s outrageous post [outrageously funny] JoMa’s Favorite [designer] NASCAR [crime] Facebook [rant]

What do you mean my 7 year-old nephew can’t do this for free?  [Damn, Twitter is expensive]

NASCAR [crime] Ambinder’s outrageous post [outrageously funny]

The good news:  He is on Twitter.  We tweeted him the other day.  Looking to do lunch early next week. h/t Jayhawk

The “Brain Fart of the Week” award goes to the Facebook legal team for hatching this terrible idea in the first place. h/t Santiago Leon

Danny Diaz, former RNC spokesman, has decided to break off a piece for himself.  Diaz, who’s known for faciliatating meetings without ever looking up from his computer, is starting his own consulting firm.  As for the name of the company – big props to Danny for the intense level of …

Chris Cillizza, who famously refers to himself as “The Fix”, is one of our favorite journos.  But lately we’ve been noticing an increase in the amount of times he actually refers to himself as “The Fix” or uses the word “fix” in any given post. So in the spirit of …