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How to survive a lay-off [WaPo ]

Wednesday Morning. Like Tuesday, Only More So. Link up. Wanna get away for a while? [three strikes and you’re out ] … Rahm gets the questions early [wired ] … Niche publications raise the roof [thefix ] … How is this news? [just asking ] … Morning cuteness [Clouded Leopard …

Photo of the Day [look closely ]

How is that morning coffee? Have a few links to sweeten up the daily quest for lunch. You can thank us later. Ben Smith says to always bet on black [double down bipartisanship ] Can the Obama campaign on change in 2012? [what then ] What ever happened to Nina …

Ten to Watch [Black Pack ]

Is your NCAA bracket already busted? Did you sleep through the National Marathon Saturday morning? Did you have any problems leaving  the packed Wine and Cheez Whiz party? Nobody puts Chris Cillizza in the corner [the fix ] Who is behind Obama’s teleprompter? [just asking ] Which Obama staffer was …

Bracket Madness [#FDC ]

Tucker Carlson said Jon Stewart is doing Obama’s bidding by attacking Jim Cramer, Antonia Ferrier found her car, Patrick Gavin and Kevin Madden both agreed the biggest winner of Cramer vs. Stewart was Michael Steele, Hans Nichols got an angry Drudge bomb, John Hawkins decided not to take a ride …

FamousDC readers know we’ll always jump at the chance to mention Mr. Howard "Extreme " Mortman, so please enjoy the following public service announcement: Roll Call: C-SPAN Marks 30 Years of Riveting Television C-SPAN will celebrate 30 years of television in the House chamber Thursday. … The cable networks launched …

While the Twitter battle winds down for the SW quadrant, this is a reminder that the competition for the NE quadrant begins today at 4pm. Today’s match ups include: @karlrove vs. @bdayspring @SorenDayton vs. @amandacarpenter @JoeTrippi vs. @notlarrysabato @alaskan vs. @mkhammer @LizMair vs. @shuster1600 @KatieFavazza vs. @addedvalueth @newtgingrich vs. @maddow …

We’ve all had freak out moments that inspired knee jerk reactions – everyone has – and in this economy it’s understandable.  But when a powerhouse like Facebook does it – that we don’t understand. We’re hoping Facebook’s latest knee jerk reaction is one that will be fixed before it is …

The AP’s Julie Hirschfeld Davis nails the Washington spin war we’re witnessing. Take a few minutes while you reheat your burrito at lunch and read this over.  Note: Remember to hold on, because you might just spin right out of your desk chair. SPIN METER : Cue the Washington outrage

How happy are you not to be AIG’s Edward Liddy today? [brutal] Chris Frates: Love is never having to say you lobby [Scarlet L ] Did Erick Erickson make David Shuster cry? [list serv stand off ] Chris Cillizza’s Cheat Sheet [Tucker Bounds update ]

When you get to the end zone, act like you’ve been there. When you lose, keep your head up. Good example … Funny examples

If we ever doubted the creativity of DC Twits, we promise to never make that mistake again.  The FamousDC Twitter Challenge has been outstanding thus far.  In some cases, the competition is so close, it looks as if we’ll have to break out the polls early – and let the …