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Walk of Shame [kit ]

One of our favorite DC sites has been MIA for the past six months. We wondered what happened, but today we found out that the Mad DC Cabbie has been by his late father’s bedside. You can read about it here: Diary of a Mad DC Cabbie: The Champ is …

Where this guy can end up giving an interview between two hotties. The Right Idea, Ep. 1 – The Obama Budget from The Winston Group on Vimeo .

Nick Bouknight Anne Brady Winter Casey Mindy Finn Todd Herman Jessica Jacobs Michael Mossoba Maggie Pitts Paul Raphel DeMaurice Smith

OVERTIME: Who’s got better twitter skillz? ( online surveys)

Results posted shortly.  Overtime matches might be forthcoming.

Even though the Final Four will be hosted in Detroit, Obama needed to take his frustrations out on someone after realizing he had only one team left in his Final Four bracket. WaPo: GM CEO to Step Down at White House’s Request

“We can teach anyone. You know those fat Wall Streeters who can barely walk but suddenly have lots of free time and $400 million in the bank? Yes, I can even get them standing on a board by their second lesson. ” Zed Layson, owner of Zed’s surfing adventures in …

FamousDC [facebook ]

And the winners are… @almacy vs. @matthewgagnon WINNER: @matthewgagnon MAJOR UPSET!  Early money in Vegas was on the side of @almacy. He even had JMU’s Digital 101 students helping him out and @krempasky unlocking his super secret tweets , but in the end it was all @matthewgagnon. The "Howard Stern …

James Carville tried to round up a whole heard of elephants, Ryan Loskarn celebrated at Johnny’s, Matt Mackowiak launched his TV career, David Pryor Jr. is now a PC, WH Easter Egg Roll tickets already pulling close to 1K on eBay, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz gained a lot of fans …

Can we get this on facebook? [Mail goggles ] Fun [princess sparkle pony ] Sogood [Washingtonian ] Train vs. bus [collision ] Then and Now [CVS ] Road to Recovery [538 ]

Patrick O’Connor : Democrats vs. Democrats Among the targets of Americans United for Change is Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), who declared the ads “not very helpful.” … “The liberal groups need to understand that we are not elected to represent the president,” Pryor said. “We’re elected to represent our states, …

"If I’d only followed CNBC’s advice I would have a million dollars today — provided I’d started with a 100 million dollars." Jon Stewart Is that really you? [Shaq ] Nothing is real anymore [American Idol Is he coming back? [fantasy football ] Fake Ari Emanuel invokes real Rahm Emanuel to …

Who says the media can’t be trusted? Chris Cillizza : "his introductory remarks came across as shaky and uncertain" A Slow Start: Obama is an expert at reading off a teleprompter without it appearing as though he is reading off a telemprompter. But, tonight he struggled badly. His gaze was …