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Time: Behind-the-Scenes-Photos : Obama’s 100 Days h/t – Nieman Lab

Sitting near a pile of twisted metal [NASCAR ] Please leave DC [protesters ] Nuclear Football [Gators ] Google [yourself ] Skins [Orakpo ]

It looks like George Hickenlooper was the first one out of the gate: "Casino Jack " is scheduled for release in 2010. FishbowlDC’s Matt Dornic notes Kevin Spacey and George Hickenlooper are visiting with Jack Abramoff at the Cumberland Federal Prison. Deadline Hollywood Daily is reporting that 2-time Academy Award …

Lindsey Mask celebrated a birthday, early polls show that "JoMa" is preferred over "JMart" by 84% of NoVa cougars, Christina Bellantoni won the Swizzle challenge with her "Bill and Ted" knowledge, DeaconDoesDC did Boston, Michael Turk invented the new phrase: "Tweckle" (to heckle via Twitter), Turk then took another #TRB  …

Twitter [FamousDC ] Obama limbo [oddly enough ] Knee Injuries Coming [Madden cover ] Steals of the Week [DC on a Dime ] Eggs Benedict [best ] Tighten Up [TI ]

U.K. too? [recession ] Retired [Mutumbo ]

Heating up … CQ: Pelosi knew "contents" of Harman wiretap During a roundtable with reporters yesterday, Pelosi said: “All [investigators] said was that [Harman] was wiretapped.” [I]ntelligence officials let Pelosi know about the wiretap and its contents , according to the three former national security officials. "She knew. We made …

Anne Schroeder: Rep. Jane Harman talks about being wiretapped As she told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: "My phone is ringing off the hook in my office from worried members who are asking whether I think it could have happened to them. I think this is an abuse of power, Wolf." munky …

Why would someone blessed with the gift of gab, like Ellen Moran, leave the powerful White House Communications Director spot for the Department of Commerce? Politico: Moran Leaves W.H. for Commerce Especially if she has such a smooth way with words? Asked why she’d leave the White House for a …

It looks like Mike Allen is taking advice from The Godfather . Responding to criticism from Obama-supporters (Andrew Sullivan) of his exclusive article outlining POTUS’ decision to release top secret CIA memos, Mike took the high road. He writes : "there’s a certain World Wrestling Entertainment element to these blog slams: It’s …

THE WORD O’ WHEATON: Nation’s First Black President Tells U.N. to Stuff Anti-Racism Conference The United Nations is a joke. The fact that it was George W. Bush saying as much for the last eight years didn’t make it any less a statement of fact. Perhaps one benefit of having …

Nora McAlvanah waited until the last minute to hang at H&R Block with her taxes in hand, Doug Heye turned 27, Elliot asked all of DC to "Rock the ‘Hawk" for the Caps, still lots of out of office replies on the hill [recess], $20 says Karl Rove didn’t say …

Good question [earth day ]

Diary of a Mad DC Cabbie: The Stalkers The guy came clean and told me that he wanted to spy on his girlfriend because he is convinced that she is cheating on him. She was supposed to be in her bed early, at least that was what she told him …

children, security, Americans, taxes [SJL’s Capitol Words ]