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Event Farm, the D.C. tech startup that helps Washingtonians throw some of this town’s most high-profile events, is continuing to kill it. Its secret weapon?  Market Manager, Harry Kline, who has a creative way of ginning up business while soliciting dates. (Yes ladies, he’s single.)  

Chris Sarley works for Rep. Shimkus, but his second and likely much more grueling job for the last 10 years is running the 108 team U.S. House Softball League in his spare time. We caught up with him about what that’s like, what he’s learned, and tips on becoming a coach.

Sure, there are 12,583 Republicans contemplating running for President this year – at FamousDC, we’re more concerned with where the top digital strategists will land.

Metro hired two firms to [rebuild its image] This cat cafe is really happening [and they’ll write your ex’s name on a litter box] Black Cat is moving its [weeknight shows up] DC Mad Max-style ATV group [chases cop off] The P Street Whole Foods [will finally have half decent …

We didn’t even know to wonder about this until we read DCist’s answers to this question. An example answer of why this is awesome: “Kyle Bailey, Birch & Barley: Our music tastes are all over the place, but we always seem to come back to death metal, gangsta rap, and …

Mike Madden’s memo to his fellow Washington City Paper cohorts starts like this: “As you know by now, I’ve accepted a job at the Washington Post as deputy editor of Outlook/PostEverything. I’ll be leaving Washington City Paper on March 20, and starting at the Post on March 30.” We know …

Is it all over? The streetcar has been doing test runs for several months, but has yet to carry any customers. “I’m trying to prudently and responsibly prepare the service to be started. But if I can’t get to that point, I’m not going to be enchanted by some philosophy …

Since it’s warming up, Navin shared a photo with us of the cherry blossoms under twilight.

You can rub yourself down with wine in a socially acceptable fashion, starting in late March. That’s right:  Caudalie, the French Vinotherapie skincare line, is opening its first brick-and-mortar, location in the heart of Washington, D.C. at the new CityCenter development. The DC location will feature the brand’s signature Beauty …

Meet Donté Stallworth. You may know him from his previous working life – an NFL wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints, Philadelphia Eagles, New England Patriots, Cleveland Browns, Baltimore Ravens, and the Washington Redskins. Now, he’s a National Security Fellow at the Huffington Post. We caught up with him …

Snow can be pretty sometimes. Cinemagraphs by Mike Lurie.

#WEEKEND Saturday high 45°F, Sunday high 51°F. TL;DNR: Take your laptop outside Sunday and while you’re at it, call in sick Monday because it’s going to be beautiful.; #NATIONAL Cat island – dream or nightmare?; Harrison Ford went down; el Niño is back; Tinder is charging more for people over …

The folks over at Cloture Club hacked into Hillary’s inbox:   We got access to some emails that weren’t in the initial leak. Check them out below.   From: Chelsea Subj: Mom seriously can you babysit tonight – Mom. To: Ben Smith Subj: Feeling fierce/cat meme To: Bill Subj: Can …

Carl Ray is a professional celebrity makeup artist based in Washington, D.C. Follow him on Instagram and learn more about his work on his website. I have had plenty of advice from friends and colleagues along the way, however some of my most powerful teachings and blessings have been giving to me from FLOTUS.