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Socialite [manners ] Cloture [club ]

Whether it’s your office March Madness pool or a long weekend in a Vegas Sports Book, it’s always good to have the latest betting sheets: [Who loves energy?] E&C Chairman Henry Waxman told Reuters he has the votes to pass this next week. The Associated Press calls this package a …

Spend Little. Live Well. [DConadime ]

Irony meets Tragedy [Carrie Prejean ] Rule Number One [protest ]

This is not a mere commentary on the looks of your current short list, as that would be shallow, and really isn’t worth getting into … yikes . But here are our top 10 reasons why you should select Kimberly for the high court: 10) She’s a Fox News host…thereby …

We pop bottles [Cristalino ] Air Force One [playaz ] Chuck Bass [sighting ] Metro [debit cards ]

It’s a Tweet down! After being asked by Patrick Ruffini, Joe Trippi calls a George Stephanopoulos story about John Edwards: "complete BS — fantasyland – not true." The story George Stephanopoulos: Edwards Staff Had Affair ‘Doomsday’ Strategy Basically, if it looked like Edwards was going to win the Democratic Party …

Thanks to good guys over at The Foggy Monocle, we now know that Chevy’s has a cut-off of eight drinks per person. ChevysChevalier : I can’t decide what is more depressing — that I learned what the cutoff limit is at Chevy’s, or that I wasn’t even remotely drunk after …

… which means the twitter machine is fired up and ready to get classy! Who’s Oprah wearing? Where’s Joey Pants sitting? Is that guy in the tux an American Idol finalist or Rep. Aaron Schock  (R- Hot)? FamousDC will be working hard (enough to keep it interesting at least) to …

Ramesh Ponnuru was almost named to the Macon, Georgia City Council, Alex Ovechkin continued his campaign for DC Sports Savior, Obama supporter Colin Powell offered advice to the GOP via Chris Strohm, Mike Madden complained he’s never been called for DC jury duty, Kara Rowland invited Members of Congress to …

The following rant was submitted by a very passionate citizen.  It comes to you in its entirety. ——– In joining other House Republicans to pitch legislation that would effectively block any Git-mo detainees from "touching" U.S. soil, Rep. Pete King on Thursday went for the lowest of the low hanging …

Amazing [youshouldhaveseenthis ] Please explain [confused ] Facesaerch [FamousDC ] Shirtless [Biden ] Top 10 [Phelps ]

Need another reason to keep the campaign aides off the Twitter machine? Rosalind Helderman: Leaky Tweets Sink…

Birthday Wishes [Pamela’s Punch ] I hate Monday [h/t DCist ] Gwen Ifill [four-timing ] Any trouble? [Betty ]

what’s up arlington : Arlington – the Hot Place for Political Food In case you didn’t see the news, President Obama and VP Biden lunched today at Arlington’s own Ray’s Hellburger . … And this past weekend, a group of Republicans held an event at Pie-Tanza .