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Every now and then you come across something that makes you thankful that 90% of Washington, D.C. constantly updates their every move on Twitter and the blogosphere. This, our friends, is one of those examples. DC Damsel: Confessions of a Beer Blogger: Random Acts of Selfishness I opted to buy …

Glenn Thrush is crushing this like P-Diddy in a tribute video. Politico: Rangel sorry for Obama-in-Harlem quip RELATED: FamousDC: Crack Wars Forget 2Pac and Biggie. Glenn Thrush takes us to the front lines of the ongoing Harlem battle. Politico: Bloomberg v. Rangel over Harlem crack

I, for one, welcome our new automaker overlords. (Above picture of Obama discussing GM on C-SPAN was spotted on yesterday)

Personally, we think this story is chicken —–.

Crocs with crabs [PunditMom ] No POTUS in Harlem [Rangel ] Eastern Market [7th Street ] Bob Marley [SWPL ] Metro [etiquette ]

The sun is out, the tour buses are rolling in, and cross walk signs are being ignored all over the city. It is officially summer in Washington, D.C. DCist is out with their intern guide and Plight of the Pumpernickel rants about tourists. DCist’s Megan Carpentier: How Not to Be …

Forget 2Pac and Biggie. Glenn Thrush takes us to the front lines of the ongoing Harlem battle. Politico: Bloomberg v. Rangel over Harlem crack

Scott Ableman Tammy Gordon Erica Patton Myra Miller Blair Hedgepeth Sarah Rosenwinkel Jasmine Sante Shelby Smith Christina Wilke Matthew Stabley

Nothing like a rainy Friday night in Washington, D.C. to reverse policy. Roll Call: White House Lifts Ban on Stimulus Contacts How did this happen? March 2009 : ALL, ACLU, CREW Urge Change in Lobby Restrictions March 2009 : CREW joins with ACLU and American League of Lobbyists to ask …

We know of at least one southern voter who will become an Obama supporter after watching this. Extreme C-SPAN: President Obama Stops for Lunch President Obama stopped at the Five Guys Restaurant and ordered a cheeseburger for himself and carry-out lunch for several others. He also spoke with several patrons …

Gyms and Restaurants [Rahm ] American Idol reactions [insane ] Perfect House [day off ] Oh My Goff [check her out ]

Kate Ackley Zeller celebrated a birthday, DC Housewives are coming to a TV near you, the Washingtonian made 50 journos happy — and likely pissed off 100+, Jeff Kimbell announced the Second "Lobbyists for Speed" race, T.I. went to prison (moment of silence), Jenny Sheffield celebrated a birthday, Hotline writers …

We started "Please Release Me " to point out zany press releases that show up in our tipster malbox . We’ve seen good, bad, really bad — but also several creative releases. FamousDC applauds the work of Carrie Drummond at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria : THE ALEXANDRIA ANIMAL …

From New Media Strategies to Air America After six years in Washington, D.C., Jen Nedeau is heading to New York City to become Director of Digital Strategy at Air America Media, where she will be reporting to the former DC-ite, Michael Bassik, who is the current Chief Digital Officer. Nedeau …

Did you miss IFC’s Make Media Matter ? The Invite Only Panel on Obama? Take a minute and explore: IFC Media Project: Exposing the Truth in News RELATED: FishbowlDC