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Stonewall Democrats [Joel ] Freelancing [DC metro ] Real World [DC ] Photo [tips ]

White House New Media [hiring ] Mr. Right’s Rush [golden ] Drive in Circles [Obama ] Facebook [FamousDC ]

Chris Bowlin is setting up shop in the Senate, Playboy stepped in it with their hate f*** list (big time), Jennifer Crider is now part-time political director and part time hedge-clipper, Jordan Stoick is now a daddy, La Loma had a huge tree fall in front of the restaurant — …

13 Most Awesome [Bruno ] Tonight Show [Obama ] Career [Family ] POTUS [3 wolf ] Pirates [lasers ]

Something on your mind? Need to Rant? Email [email protected] Rantworthy: Open Letter to the Airline Industry Dear Airline Industry, It’s been a while since we talked and I’d like to address a few issues with you if you’ll take time out of your busy schedule of practicing the hammer throw …

Hotline on Call: Double Duty: Crider To Pelosi (June 3, 2009) Speaker Nancy Pelosi has named Jennifer Crider , until recently DCCC comm. dir., her political dir. Crider will be responsible for political communications and strategy work on behalf of members and House candidates, according to a release. FamousDC: DCCC: …

A tipster spotted this in a stack of international mail:

Katharine Weymouth [direction ] At a graduation? [Couric ] Obama [Facebook ] Intern [style ]

We thought you meant… um… A good old fashioned headline war is one thing. Completely opposite takes on something as banal as a Congressional agenda are a bit different. Yet that’s what avid hill rag readers got yesterday morning, courtesy of The Hill and CQToday, both of which took a …

Sometimes Nora and team nail one and then you have to spend the afternoon cleaning up coffee off your keyboard. Yes, we drink coffee through the afternoon. Try it. From yesterday’s Last Call: SWIZZLE STICKS • Sen. Jeff Sessions came out of his office today and predicted that America is …

Washington Independent: Tom Tancredo Staffer Pleads Guilty to Karate-Chopping Black Woman We love the legal brief: "…defendant was walking down the street making offensive remarks when he encountered the complaintant…" Really? That casual? Can’t you just visualize it? "I’m just <making offensive remarks> in the rain…just <making offensive remarks> in the rain…"

Here’s something to think about on this Tuesday afternoon: Deadspin : David Ortiz Is Still Worth More Than General Motors RELATED : Bill Simmons: When great ones go, it might hurt us more than it does them.

Who am I? I made millions off of General Motors. My kids attend private school. Hollywood loves me. You make the call: Ken Lay Dick Cheney Hillary Clinton Jack Abramoff Michael Moore Alright, we all see where this is going. Michael Moore jump-started his career on the back of GM …

Loudoun Valley Vikings [Cooley ] Hand holding [where’s my cape? ] Cheating on Blogger [twitter ] Shake Hands [LeBron ] Metro [etiquette ]