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Urban [hitchhiking ] That ain’t right [BK ] Mad [project ] Ouch [Nats ] Ray [Ray ]

Does this justify every MSM’er argument against giving Bloggers press credentials and media access on the Capitol grounds? Huffington Post and Obama White House coordinate on Iran question Michael Calderone: Obama calls on HuffPost for Iran question In what appeared to be a coordinated exchange, President Obama called on the …

On our way to pick up a spinach and feta pizza at Whole Foods (don’t judge), we passed an Iranian peace protest marching towards Embassy Row. We snapped a quick photo as they were walking in front of the Vice President’s Residence: It is pretty dang cool to live in …

Old Questions [Mike DeBonis ] Close Call [Toddler Planet ] Red line coverage [Mathis ] DC Metro [unsuck ] Too soon [Stern ]

We’ve all been there before. It’s late. You’ve been out. You’ve had a great time with your friends. But you’re STARVING! What to do? Luckily for everyone, DC on a Dime has our back. DC on a Dime: DC Late Night Eat Spots Bistro Francais (Georgetown) Five Guys Hamburgers (Georgetown) …

Everyone in Washington has written a book, is writing one or plans to. One of our favorite readers sent in a few suggestions for book titles for Washington’s Heroes. These are all in good fun, please don’t take ’em seriously. Washington’s Famous Heroes: You thought it, I said it Joe …

Columbia Heights Shooter [intern ] Jumping the Hollywood shark [DC ] Yes, Apple pays him [iPhone ] Ethics panel [Blogger ] Tiger Woods [heckled ]

We’re almost there. The 4th of July break is right around the corner. (Photo courtesy of Tom Williams Working III )

Video courtesy of C-SPAN: President Obama was the keynote speaker at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner. Presidents traditionally poke fun at themselves, their administration and the journalists who cover Washington. This video includes President Obama’s entire remarks from the dinner.

Happy Father’s Day [thanks ] Softball vs. Kickball [Fight! ]

FishbowlDC: ‘CQ’ to Join ‘Roll Call’ Under Economist Group While other publications are talking about breaking even next year, Roll Call is buying up everyone in D.C. What’s next? Roll Call Sports Illustrated Roll Call Playboy Roll Call Readers Digest

Maureen Dowd gave her eye Dr (Jay Klessman) a NY Times shout-out, Mike O’Brien got the President’s reg reform online – FAST, Sen. Dianne Feinstein canceled Heather Podesta’s "first course" lunch, Sean Donahue brought the ‘Citizen’s Briefing Book’ to the pages of Roll Call, Ensign didn’t show up to pitch …

Sen. Ensign allegedly having an affair with a married staffer is interesting but in the grand scheme of politician sex scandals, let’s be honest, it’s pretty tame and barely cracks our top 10 list. Which brings us to…. (drum roll please …) The Top 10 Political Sex Scandals of the …

Seersucker Thursday [Halogen Life ] Happy Hour Deals [DConaDime ] DC Hoops [powerful ] Booty Call [lobbyist ]