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$10 to the first Senator to ask Sotomayor about this at her confirmation hearing? New York Times: Sotomayor, a Trailblazer, and a Dreamer [but did she wear a bullet proof vest?] “At other times, it involved more derring-do: if the firm had a tip from the United States Customs Office …

Spend a few minutes with your morning coffee and check out Todd S. Purdum’s take on the Palin campaign. Vanity Fair: It Came From Wasilla Despite her disastrous performance in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin is still the sexiest brand in Republican politics, with a lucrative book contract for her …

YouTube: Submit Your Question for President Obama President Obama is taking your questions this Wednesday in a special online health care townhall event. With healthcare at the top of the President’s agenda, he is opening up the White House to questions via YouTube. Create a 20- or 30-second video question …

Not a Good Sign [Wizards ] Best Wedding [Red Sox ] Flip Cup [princess ] Climate Bill [poo ] Enough [already ] Godzilla [scary ]

Study: DC folks read and eat well; have low level of emotional support. First Brain Health lndex Ranks America’s “Brain Smarts” Based on 21 Indicators: D.C. Ranks No. 1 Life’s DHA Index of Brain HealthSM Asks and Answers: Does Your State Have the Healthiest Brains? COLUMBIA, Md. – The first …

The Famous line of the week in a political story award goes to Jonathan Martin for this forbidden gem. JoMa: South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s affair turns political The intra-party machinations highlight a part of the Sanford soap opera that goes past the governor’s lust for forbidden flesh.

Eastern Market is back open. DC on a Dime cruised by and put up a few pics .

Andrew Mirsky and friends talked Twitter and Redskins, Kyle Nevins and family are Playbook Royalty, Team Obama announced he’ll throw out the first pitch at the All-Star game — which set the Nationals into a tailspin, Patrick O’Connor celebrated a birthday, Ana Marie Cox explained Famous for DC to the …

Smooth Criminal [MJ ] Don’t Stop [MJ ] Billie Jean [MJ ] Thriller [MJ ] Beat It [MJ ] PYT [MJ ]

Folks, you can’t make this up … Last night on the House floor, David Obey battled Maxine Waters and her quest for the "Maxine Waters School for Kids Who Can’t Read Good." Roll Call: Obey, Waters Fight on House Floor House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) and Rep. Maxine Waters …

How pumped is Mark Sanford right now? RIP MJ

DC 101’s Elliott called it this morning [Fawcett ] Here’s Looking at You [NoVa ] Most Interesting [Academy ] President [Beyonce ] Wizards [trade ] Green [litter ]

We guess marriage is between a man, woman and somebody from Argentina … From Mark Sanford’s Inaugural Speech: [click] "In not my, but our collective hands, is held the promise of change." From Mark Sanford’s emails to his Argentian girlfriend: [click] "The erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two …

This feels like having a senior thesis proven 100% right . FisbowlDC: Tweet du Jour: Ana Marie Cox is Not Famous. Okay, Maybe Just a Little… Yesterday on Twitter, Air America’s Ana Marie Cox defined her celebrity via "tweet" for a new follower. @chiras56 asks: @anamariecox are you someone famous?? …

Dear Governor Sanford, When Senator John Ensign confessed to an affair with a former staffer, we were amused but not necessarily impressed . Then you came along with your unplanned vacation to South America. Your staff thought you were hiking in the woods – but not you, you wanted something …