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They’ve been profiled in the Politico and Roll Call and are known to turn a few heads every time they take the field. We thought you’d want to learn a little bit more about the softball team simply known as “Scared Hitless.” 1) We know Matt Pollack and Jeffrey Ostermayer …

Note to anyone who utters the phrase "I’m glad this isn’t on tape right now" – it probably is …especially when it deals with "Mayor for Life" Marion Barry. The Washington Post’s editorial today suggests the DC Council should look into Marion Barry’s dubious earmarks. But the best part of …

Throw your diamond up Chris Good. R-O-C …. Chris Good: Jay-Z, The Game, Global Hegemony, And Obama Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch takes an international relations look at the recent sniping at Jay-Z by LA-based rapper The Game (dis track here–warning: offensive and not safe for work). As hip-hop’s closest thing …

What’s worse than a government run health care plan that makes you chance your insurance plan, switch doctors, wait in longer lines AND raises your taxes? One that gives you cancer. Clearly. So you can’t possibly support the Democratic health care plan. Unless, of course, you actually want your wife …

Unfortunately, Mr. Bedard is talking about the ole DC tradition of going off-the-record during meetings with reporters –not the famous Hay Adams bar or the rockin’ song by My Morning Jacket (also, you just witnessed the first time in history Hay Adams and My Morning Jacket were used in the …

As reported by ABC’s Jake Tapper and echoed by Matt Drudge – President Obama’s teleprompter took a fall yesterday. For more information, we decided to check out his blog. Barack Obama’s Teleprompter’s Blog: I’m Okay Remember how I was hoping to take the next couple of days off? Well, that …

Oh My Goff, better known as Angie Goff, is the W*USA traffic anchor. She also happens to be the coolest TV personality we’ve ever run across.   A George Mason grad, Angie rejoined W*USA team after a stint as an intern back in 2001. Angie has also been honored with an …

Washington Nationals fire Manager Manny Acta. 26-61  record heading into the break [MLB worst] Ken Rosenthal: Acta firing just a sign of mess in D.C.

Chris Paulitz and Nick Simpson celebrated birthdays, Jeb Hensarling talked with Jackie Kucinich about his lower profile on the front page of Roll Call, Maegan Carberry kicked it in DC for the week, Cynthia McKinney was released from an Israeli prison, Carrie Foster had a great run opening the J&G …

This has to get interesting. Sonia Sotomayor on Twitter ?

Yes, it doesn’t sound nearly as cool as pretzelgate , or Kobe-gate and while it might be the red-headed step child of the original Watergate – this is serious. We’re talking about "a pack of secret plastic-squeezing hypocrites." Heard on the Hill: Bottled-Up Frustrations The House Energy and Commerce Committee …

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NBC Sports: Obama says he’ll push for eight-team playoff [11/15/08] "I’m going to throw my weight around. I think it’s the right thing to do," said President-Elect Barack Obama US News: BCS Coordinator: Sorry President-Elect Obama, No College Football Playoffs Here [11/19/08] "For now, our constituencies—and I know he understands …