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White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs explains that he has not been briefed on whether or not there are the existence of UFOs.

FamousDC [Twitter ]

John Pappas doubled down on Politico Playbook, Roll Call Group bought CQ, Jonathan Weisman cut his way off the White House Christmas Card list,  John Hawkins is the hardest working man on the internet, Secretary Chu launched DOE 2.0, Emily Miller hearts SJL, the House Energy and Commerce Committee got …

You heard it here first. New Media Strategies (NMS)  is challenging Politico to a Flip Cup competition. Today at 2 p.m. Bill Beutler and friends will kick off their 2nd Annual NMS Flip Cup Tournament. This year they’re trying to make things more interesting and they’ve challenged Politico to "put …

C-SPAN has video of White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on why the White House blocks Twitter.

and no one is around to hear him, does he make a sound?

Michael Vick celebrates [Virginia Beach ] Real World DC [getting real ] Longest Rally [volleyball ] Pimm’s Cup [Old School ]

Ok, seriously, can it get any worse for the Nats? First you lose your manager mid-season, then the world notices that, a week after the All Star break, you’re officially on pace (66) to lose more games this year than the ’62 Mets (120). And now your hometown newspaper runs …

Apparently the only thing falling apart faster than heath care is Metro. [typical] “The train control system designed to prevent Metro crashes is malfunctioning across the railroad, suggesting that a technological failure at the heart of last month’s fatal crash may be widespread, according to officials and documents. “At least …

No Representation [Real World DC ] Congrats [Amanda ] Watergate [$25 Mil ] Crocs? [no ]

Chargers and Ravens football fans will enjoy this article by the Redskins All-Pro Tight End. Chris Cooley: Monday Morning Quarterback: Smart Football With Peter King on his annual four-week summer vacation, Redskins tight end Chris Cooley graciously agreed to write today’s Monday Morning Quarterback column. I was very excited to …

Here’s some Orwell to enjoy with your Longworth lunch break. We often forget how good he is: Since you don’t know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism? One need not swallow such absurdities as this, but one ought to recognize that the present political chaos is connected …

Listen to the Darkside [Charlie Mars ] Smart Cover [Cheerleaders ]

US Government bails out General Motors and Chrysler with $17 Billion loan Ex-GM CEO Wagoner retires with $8.6 million Rattner Resigns as Obama’s Point Man on the Auto Industry After Six Months Rattner, Former Auto Task Force Head, Seeks Plea Deal Mercedes, Lexus top ranking of U.S. dealerships Lawmaking is …

Stephen Replogle headed over to Wal-Mart, Fawn Johnson got a Drudge bomb with her federal aid for broadcasters story, Brian Walsh joined Twitter, TOTUS took a dive at the White House, Cathy Merrill Williams defended Katharine Weymouth on Facebook, Jim VandeHei returned from a two-week vaycay, Aaron Bernstein and Katie …