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From the good people at STET SPORTS : Take this, TMZ. Stet Sports has the freshly furnished comment and footage from the Washington Nationals ballgirl who booted a fair ball.

FamousDC [Twitter ]

Paul Singer crashed Roll Call’s site with a story about Congressional airplanes, Amy Wren is keeping folks abreast of her beach plans, Chris Cillizza and Dana Milbank pulled a Palin and quit, CBS made Jen Psaki FamousDC, Rahm Emanuel warned liberal groups to stop ads against Democrats, Erick Erickson got …

So much for a slow news Friday: Senator Mel Martinez has decided to take his ball and go home. What’s next? Who does Crist appoint? Marc Rubio Jeb Bush Bob Martinez Tom Feeney The Fix: FL-Senate: Martinez to Resign Chris Frates, Manu Raju, Josh Kraushaar: Mel Martinez Resigning

It’s a slow August Friday in Washington, D.C. … Remember smiling.

There is no reason to freak out. Twitter isn’t working and you still have six and a half hours left at work. Here are a few sites to help you kill time until you’re back up and tweeting again: Deadspin Vanity Fair’s write-up of Mad Men FishbowlDC U Do the …

While other Democrats are getting an earful from constituents at town halls, Sen. Gillibrand wisely heads to one of the most expensive zip codes in the nation and befriends a well dressed pocket squared reporter (?) at a local market. Wikipedia "The Sagaponack ZIP code (11962), although not synonymous with …

We hardly knew you. So the WaPo’s Mouthpiece Theater wasn’t a hit, so what? Chris Cillizza and Dana Milbank were trying something different – and in these times, you have to. The Fix was nice enough to let his readers and fans know of the changes. The Fix: A Word …

No returns [tools ] French press [thirsty ] Biking [THAT girl ] DC [beer ]

Roll Call: Obama’s Charm School Is in Session Max Baucus: “It was a, really, a wonderful meeting, led by a terrific man, our president, Barack Obama,” Baucus said. “And one of the Senators was saying to me as we walked out, ‘You know, it’s just so wonderful to hear him …

What will Jay-Z have to say about this? Check out DJ Lungren about two minutes in.

Clinton Portis [why? ] Dating Adventures [DC ] Cleveland Park [changing ] NFC East Division [predictions ]

Even after all of these years, he’s still got it. AP: White House uses Web against Drudge attack Love him or hate him …  Matt Drudge is still 100% effective and can move the media like Moses parting the Red Sea. Get your popcorn .

Check out the DC Concierge’s write-up of the new WaPo video series called "Scene It." The DC Concierge: Washington Post Brings the Style! Just asking — what does Ian Shapira think about his own staff emailing around stories and articles with the hopes of bloggers linking to them? How can …

Paul McCartney [FedEx ] Scream for who? [Lira ] GypsyShake [hemi ] Photo Bloggers [DC ] Five Lessons [20s ]