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Liz Glover : whatever you do DON’T ask Fonzworth Bentley about his umbrella holding for @iamdiddy days. He doesn’t want to discuss.

Makeover [Capitol Hill Style] DCist [on a whale cake] Kanye [Pumpernickel] Recap [NFL chick] Pet [insurance]

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  Politico named their Top 50 Party People in DC, Sally Albright is actually Social Capitol, Ben Smith doesn’t agree with Jonathan Weisman’s Drudge take, Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim told everyone Cramdown is back, Brian Patrick got a Drudge flash with his Whip Count update, is this a Drudge only Friday round-up?, …

Michael Phelps [omelet ] Never Leave Home [ID ] Viral Videos [AdAge] SkyMall [us too ] Loathe [fiery ]

If South Carolina’s Joe Wilson hadn’t let his emotions get away from him last night, we would be talking about the Obama speech today. Who wants to do that? So while “You Lie!” will live on in our hearts forever, here are the top 10 other things we thought would …

By: Brad Kanus There’s nothing better than fantasy football to get your mind off the rapidly collapsing social foundation of our nation. I’m still not able to keep solid food down since seeing a CNN report featuring my uncle Fred and my grandmother at a rally where the anchor accused …

Adams Morgan Day [attend ] Obama Speech [Georgia ] Text Messaging [Ashley ] Electric [Avenue ] Jai Alai [Mad Men]

Gillian Reagan wonders: has Matt Drudge lost his edge? New York Observer: Are the Days of Drudge Over? Jonathan Weisman, who covers the Obama administration for The Wall Street Journal, seemed to back up that idea. “Matt Drudge has no influence whatsoever,” he said. “When Drudge picks up one of our …

The good guys over at U Do the Dishes explain Fantasy Football . Wait – who doesn’t know the rules of fantasy football ? H/T DC Blogs RELATED : NFL Players Mentor Troubled Detroit Lions