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Chris Frates and the cool kids read Jezebel, Randy Barrett doesn’t like the DC who’s-who blather, Daniel de Vise is unimpressed by lawmakers’ Tweets, Christina Bellantoni left the Washington Times to join Josh Marshall at TalkingPointsMemo, Texas Republic celebrated winning the House Softball league,  thankfully Christopher Columbus did not share the same drive …

Is the guy on every billboard in Eastern Kentucky Obama Girl’s new crush? Who introduced Amber Lee Ettinger to Eric C. Conn? So many questions, so little time.

What Would Don Draper Do? [confidence] Frank Gore 80 Yard TD [Gerbil scores] The Girl Paradox [h/t Clinton Yates] Good guys? [Facebook wall] Fall back [into summer]

Week two is in the books.  The NFL is the best reality show on TV.  Lots of games have come down to the final minutes and you can’t beat that kind of a drama. Let’s get it started.

ACORN founder Wade Rathke discussing attacks on his group: “It’s balderdash on top of poppycock Balderdash? Poppycock? Welcome to the year 2009, Rathke … Nobody has talked like that since Prohibition. But don’t worry, we are here to help with three modern responses that are simple, to the point, and …

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, check out Megan’s article from the latest issue of The Atlantic. Her WASPy tales of Nantucket explain why we all pay so much for wedding photographers. Megan McArdle: Why Goldman Always Wins IN THE SUMMER of 2000, David Poor, a direct descendant …

Immortal Beloved [Project Beltway ] A-T-L, Georgia [What We Do For Ya ] WeLoveDC [K Street Kate ] Duffman [DC Metro ] 9 Laws [Pick-Up ]

FamousDC wishes Happy Birthday to two people that keep DC Famous: Sean Spicer Ana Marie Cox Now get out there and make some bad decisions!

DC cab drivers are on strike today. WJLA:  D.C. Taxi Drivers Strike Over Fares You might have some trouble catching a cab in the District Tuesday because of a strike to protest low fares. … The strike was primarily organized by two cab driver union, according to John Porterfield, a …

Shaun Suisham [all points] Marion Barry [bad year] Arugula [BeyondDC] Picture Day [official] Vests [style]

Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell Thanks William!

Now that recess is over and Congressmen seem to be done with these health care town halls, Americans are going to have to visit their city/town council meetings for cheap forms of entertainment. For example, watch this lady drop a bomb during a discussion of education…apparently her testimony "wasn’t relevant" …

Pour a little of this in your Cocoa Puffs. Wall Street Journal: When Speechwriters Kiss and Tell When the sun rises over our capital city this morning, its denizens will awake to a truly novel tale: The aggrieved ex-staffer—wait for it!—disillusioned by Washington. The tome out today is by former …