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Looking for something to do while the 2,100 word GOP Rangel Resolution is on the floor today? FamousDC is here to help: Deadspin – sports after a pitcher of beer at the Capitol Lounge … Fark – news stories with hilarious headlines … FishbowlDC – all the latest and greatest …

Jake Sherman takes a look at a story that creeps up about once a year: how many days does the House of Representatives actually work? Give the story a read before you hear about it all day on talk radio and cable news. Jake Sherman: House: Working hard or hardly …

A tipster sent in the following overheard in DC: I’m walking out of Metro Center on Monday and two homeless guys are talking. One says to the other: “I don’t care if they win another game. We can get a good draft pick and select a quarterback.” Homeless Redskins Fans …

WH briefing room [Bellantoni TwitPic] Can’t Make it Up [Planned Parenthood] Top 10 Annoying Habits [METRO] Steele Blames [Hill Aides]

Patrick O’Connor: House feels left out on health care

Do the other candidates get equal time after the three hour Brett Favre infomercial last night? [almost 40 ]

Facebook hilarity. Christopher Beam and Chris Wilson: Barack Obama’s Facebook Feed

Halloween is right around the corner, so grab your flashlight and travel with TheHillIsHome’s Elizabeth Festa as she embarks on the Capitol Hill Ghost Tour. TheHillIsHome: Chill on the Hill If you’re interested in joining the tour, cruise on over to DC Like a Local to sign up.

Falling for a Republican [PostSecret ] Seventh Hill [DC Pizza Blog ] Ivy Covered [Brick ]

Mr. Rich spends 1,500 words to speak of American excess and how it relates to K Street today. Give this a quick read so you’ll be armed and ready for this week’s cocktail circuit. Frank Rich (NY Times Op-Ed Columnist): The Rabbit Ragu Democrats

Happy Monday. Let’s talk football: The Redskins have life [thank goodness ] … Our favorite blogging All-Pro tight-end found pay dirt [Chris Cooley ] … 3 of the top 4 teams are in the SEC [2nd week in a row ] … Who will steal the show from Favre vs. …

We love The Washington Post’s “Scene In” video series, but felt it necessary to do a little fact check on this week’s entry, considering it featured a legislative assistant … and Politifact didn’t beat us to it. About a minute into this video we are introduced to our legislative assistant, who …

POLITICO picked up Jonathan Allen off waivers, Rep. Alan Grayson became the best thing since Rep. Joe Wilson, Perry Bacon is only 29?, Daniel Indiviglio called for more Washington regulation , Kate Ackley promoted at Roll Call, Chris Cillizza wasn’t impressed by Meg Whitman ‘s press conference, the cast of Big Love was …

Panda Express [too early] Final Home Game [Nats] Six Piece [unavailable] Jim Zorn [already?] Agent Zero [knee] Photo [amazing]