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Damn it, Don [Hilton moon] Columbus Day [enjoy] 2012 [game over]

We’re taking the afternoon off to explore new lands.

Glenn Thrush: Summers brushes back Boehner It’s always about the jobs

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) spent seven days alone on a survivalist trip to the Pacific’s Marshall Islands earlier this year. Check out the slide show up on about Jeff Flake’s Cast Away adventure. Washington Post: Survivor: Jabonwood

The Redskins and the Ravens both lost on Sunday. So, we’ll focus on college football. Top 10 Rankings: 1 Florida 2 Alabama 3 Texas 4 Virginia Tech 5 Boise State 6 USC 7 Ohio State 8 Cincinnati 9 Miami (FL) 10 LSU How is USC ahead of LSU? USC lost …

JUST SAYIN’: Do you ever get the sense sometimes that whenever something positive happens to Obama, like winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Republicans’ response is similar to this. We assume Glenn Beck’s reaction today will be more like this. Can’t we all just get along? It’s Friday…and nice outside in …

It must be fall because Adam Sharp broke out the tweed, Chris Cillizza changed his Jim Zorn forecast to cloudy, Markos Moulitsas lectured on being patriotic, Ken Spain and Emily Kryder are getting their bipartisan marriage on this weekend,  Kathie Legg apparently doesn’t like Novocaine, Jessica Boulanger was pleased to see …

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The Hill Is Home: Beer on the Hill When I was in first grade, I wanted to be a cocktail waitress when I grew up. I was five years old and had just been shoved into some gifted program at my school, but for open house we had to draw …

Have a good weekend and remember to ACT RIGHT.

Tricky [trash ] Slanket [Snuggie ] Air Force One [stinky ]

What a total crapper for my fantasy teams this week. I had to leave to Austin for a wedding and when I got there I had too much to drink and forgot to do my lineups. I had guys on bye week starting. I got my ass handed to me. …

The Gregory Brothers are blowing up. Jimmy Kimmel Live — T Pain remixes President Obama’s health care plan with a little help from The Gregory Brothers and the infamous autotune

Only in Washington can a half hug turn into front page news. POLITICO: Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid at odds over war You can watch the video here.

Taxicab [Death threat] Favorite things [DC] Winking [really?] Workplace [spy]