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This is harsh and we didn’t want to put it up, but Tanner Cooley won’t even email us back. Tanner – it’s been a year. Your move.

The Hill is reporting that the four co-chairs of the Black Helicopter Caucus — sorry; "Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus" — are calling on the House the Sergent at Arms to investigate whether a pro-Muslim advocacy group was "successful in placing interns on key committees." [true story] Republican members of the Congressional …

Earlier today we told you about the Michelle Obama doll. Well, the fun doesn’t stop there. Star Tribune: Bachmann action figure sales can’t match Palin’ Michele Bachmann is no Sarah Palin. Not, at least, in the action figure business. … Since HeroBuilders, a manufacturer of action figures, unveiled its plastic …

Get off the couch [do something] Cash Money [Democrats] O’s > Nats in DC [sad]

Our thoughts and prayers are with Charlie Davies. US SOCCER: U.S. Men’s National Team Forward Charlie Davies Out of Surgery and in Serious but Stable Condition U.S. National Soccer Team forward Charlie Davies is in serious but stable condition and resting following several hours of surgery at Washington Hospital Center …

According to the Ford Motor Co: blue cars sell better than red cars in Washington, D.C. AP: Favorite Car Color? Depends on the City

Has the Obama White House gone too far this time?

The Senate Finance Committee votes to pass health care reform legislation. It looks cold and windy out there. Next thing we know it’ll start getting dark at 4:30 p.m. again. We blame the Earth’s axis.

Our guess: “Just like Steel said: Look serious, concentrate, lean in for the shot.”

Oprah joins Twitter. Miley Cyrus quits Twitter. This now makes Spencer Pratt the most Famous person on Twitter. Yep, this is all we’ve got today people. We need a Congressional scandal STAT.

Flaming Lips [Thursday] Walking tour [DC] $500 M [gone] Art [POTUS]

Thanks to our friends over at the Fab Empire, now we’ll all know where to head for late night eats and where to see Diddy next week during Howard’s Homecoming. The Fab Empire presents … An Insider’s Guide to Howard University’s Homecoming We caught up with Joi-Marie, the editor of …

Apparently, there is another Republican celebrity in Hollywood other than Ron Silver, and his name is Scott Baio. Radar Online notes how the actor has been knocking President Obama via tweets, calling him a "sh*tf*ck" and comparing him to Michael Vick. [who’s in charge now?] Apparently, this has disturbed some …

Frank Warren of Germantown, Maryland set-up a Web site for people to anonymously mail homemade postcards and has since changed the world. His website,, has won Weblog and Bloggies awards as well as being featured on CSI: NY. Frank’s latest PostSecret book, Confessions on Life, Death, & God, was …