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You can’t make these up. Craigslist: Beautiful DC Insider (Washington, DC) H/T – K Street Kate

It’s been a while. Here’s the full list of Stuff White People Like. Ha!    #123 Mad Men

Things aren’t going well when the Lottery turns against you hours before a Monday Night Football game.

Spotted at DC Blogs : The Heights Life DC pens An Open Letter to the DC Circulator and John Lisle from the DC Dept. of Transportation responds.

WH vs. Treasury [Fox News ] HuffPo vs. Fox News [Nico ] Stabbing [Wizards ] Airplane [venom ]

Howard Kurtz: Young editor conquers Capital

We had Dunbar High School and University of Maryland alum Vernon Davis on our bench [3 TDs ]

Be honest, we know you searched him on Facebook. If our tip box is a reliable  source, most of DC was trying to figure out what Ben Dunham looks like. And the Politico Click article about a hill staffer hooking up with Mad Men’s January Jones was flying all over …

Gossip Girl made the week for Taylor Llewellyn and Tucker Blair , Politico and Matt Drudge look to be taking some time off , Doug Pinkham said the Chamber of Commerce was the villain of the week , we can’t believe was still available, the “Yes Men ” are getting around, …

Favorite MC [Kazem Abdullah ] Fojol Brothers [DC Concierge] TMI Thursday [scary ] Don’t be sad [20210 ] Choices [chocolate ] Odd man [out ]

If there is one thing we like at Famous DC, it’s a good poem. And the only thing better than a good poem is spoken word performance of that poem. (You should see our rendition of Man From Nantucket…it moves people to tears) Well, the folks at J Street felt …

Brad Kanus presents … FamousDC Fantasy Football Rant – Week 6 I’m destined not to see a single football game this year. I’m on the road again this weekend for a wedding. Yes, I’m in my early 30’s and my loser friends are just now finding women who will deal …

Wait, what? POLITICO Click: Hill Aide Snags Actress? New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s staffer Ben Dunham got cozy last week with January Jones, the red-hot actress from “Mad Men.”

Annie Leibovitz’s photo of President Obama and his family in the White House. Can you imagine how cool it would be to grow up there? H/T – Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook